********************************************************************* ** The initial code/statements to read in the data to allow ** ** students to complete problem set 8 (MANOVA ** ** MANCOVA) in SPSS. This is not a full solution. ** ********************************************************************* ** file: ps8sps.sps ** ** data: ps8dat.txt ** ** out: NA ** data list file='a:\ps8dat.txt' fixed records=2 /1 case (f5.0) cond (f5.0) priorexe age income educ (4F5.0) /2 case2 (f5.0) suscept1 severe1 benefit1 barrier1 intent1 (5f7.3) suscept2 severe2 benefit2 barrier2 intent2 (5f7.3). title 'name. Problem Set 8 '. ** homework code, etc. goes here **