Peter Rez

Office Location: PSF 325
Office Telephone: 480-965-6449
Email address:
US Mail address:
Department of Physics 
Arizona State University 
PO Box 871504 
Tempe, AZ 85287-1504 USA 

B.A. (Hons, 1st class) 
Physics and Theoretical Physics,
Churchill College,Cambridge University, 1973
Department of Metallurgy and Science of
Materials, St Catherine's College, 
Oxford University, 1976
Department of Physics
Arizona State University

Peter Rez is interested in 

1) Electron Microscopy and Energy Loss Spectroscopy
2) Biomineralization
3) Radiation Physics
4) Condensed Matter Theory
5) Biophysics
6) Body and Vehicle Scanners

Other things you may want to look at

Thoughts on energy



This website was put together by Abraham (Avi) Rez, age 10, 2009