ENG 200 | Fall 2007





Instructor: Cajsa C. Baldini

Sections taught:

MW 1:40-2:55 PM

Online on

Online readings
Introduction to the Homeric Epic Homer, The Iliad | Summary of entire epic
Introduction to Medieval Literature and Dante Dante, The Inferno, Canto V and XXXIII
Introduction to Formal Poetry Milton, Paradise Lost, Book I | Contextualizing summary of PL in its entirety
  Wordsworth, "Intimations of Immortality"
Audio Audio Resources Poe, E. A.. "The Masque of the Red Death" (1850)(PDF) New!

Homer | Patroclos Pleads with Achilles | Hector and Achilles' Combat to Death | Hector's Death | Lecture on Homer and Summary of the Iliad (MP3)

Milton | Background to Milton's Paradise Lost (MP3)

Coleridge, "Kubla Khan"


Bulfinch's Mythology
Hayden Library Catalog
English Department Guide to Style (by Profs. Gregory Castle and Anita Obermeyer) (PDF)

Research Paper 2 Sample paper

Other sites of interest Optional reading

Instructor website
The Florence Summer Program


Casey, Charles. "Was Shakespeare gay? Sonnet 20 and the politics of pedagogy"

Stapleton, M.L. "Making the Woman of Him: Shakespeare's Man Right Fair as Sonnet Woman"