Homework #3
Due March 5, 1998
1. Pick one variable (at the baseline measurement) in the ATLAS data set.
  1. compute the intraclass correlation based on the output from proc mixed and proc glm. (Note the value of the intraclass correlation may differ between MIXED and GLM because of different estimation strategies dealing with unequal sample sizes). INTRA.SAS
  2. Compute the Variance inflation factor.
  3. Briefly describe why the intraclass correlation is important.
2. Pick one dependent variable in the atlas data set and run the following models. (SAS programs to conduct each of these analysis were given out in class)
  1. Proc GLM repeated measures analysis across the 6 waves with only complete cases. REPGLM5.SAS
  2. Proc mixed analysis with 6 waves, including missing data, but not nesting of schools in conditions. CONTRAST.SAS
  3. Proc mixed analysis with 6 waves, including missing data, and including nesting of schools within conditions. CONTRAST.SAS
  4. Plot the means from C and briefly describe the results. Use the contrasts tests to interpret the results.
Note:You will need to change the sas program to read new variables based on which dependent variable you select. You will need to:
  1. Add the new variables to the keep statement.
  2. Recode the scores for the d and cs, and f and es waves.
If you have trouble with this, please ask me, Chondra, Jeanne, or Jeewon for help.

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