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Acronym for cyan-magenta-yellow-black. A color model that is similar to the CMY color model but produces black with a separate black component rather than by adding 100 percent of cyan, magenta, and yellow. See also CMY.
color constancy
The tendency to perceive inaccurate nature-specific and object-specific colors as true is color constancy. Some examples of these 'memory' colors are: eggshell white, fire-engine red, lemon yellow, and sky blue. Skin tones also come under color constancy. When a printed image is viewed individually the color looks correct, when we compare the accurate flesh tone to the inaccurate color then the color difference becomes evident. In addition to these other aspects, the eye is most sensitive to colors in the middle of the spectrum. Given equally intense colors, midspectrum colors such as green appear brighter than the endspectrum colors of red and blue.
color space
In an attempt to index colors in relation to one another it is common to rely upon a triaxial system. This section will address the various color spaces in common use today. We use the term 'space' because color data occur in three dimensions. Science and industry require precise color definition and classification. Words are imprecise to distinguish and describe color. For example, some of the few words that exclusively name colors are: white, black, gray, yellow, red, violet, blue, green, brown, and others. Many colors require compound names, quantifiers, and suffixes to differentiate colors. Examples are yellow-green, light green, greenish, and so forth.
1. To connect or link in a series or chain. 2. Computer Science To arrange (strings of characters) into a chained list. adj. 1. Connected or linked in a series.
adj. 1. Of, involving, or depending on a context.
v. tr. 1. To set in opposition in order to show or emphasize differences: an essay that contrasts city and country life; contrasted this computer with inferior models. v. intr. 1. To show differences when compared: siblings who contrast sharply in interests and abilities; a color that contrasted clearly with the dark background. n. 1. a. The act of contrasting; a setting off of dissimilar entities or objects. b. The state of being contrasted: red berries standing in vivid contrast against the snow. 2. A difference, especially a strong dissimilarity, between entities or objects compared: the contrast between Northern and Southern speech patterns. 3. One thing that is strikingly dissimilar to another: My new school was a welcome contrast to the one before. 4. The use of opposing elements, such as colors, forms, or lines, in proximity to produce an intensified effect in a work of art. 5. The difference in brightness between the light and dark areas of a picture, such as a photograph or video image.
contrast sensitivity
contrast, successive
contrast, simultaneous

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Thomas Detrie, Coordinator | detrie@asu.edu