Paper Presentation Guidelines

Paper Presentation Schedule

  1. The slides can be accessed by clicking on the presenter.
  2. Although we try to adhere to the schedule, the schedule is tentative and is a rough estimate. Some postponement may be expected based on the progress of the class.
Topic Reference Presenter Date
Classification: NBC  Domingos&Pazzani96 Long 9/18/00
Classification: Neural Networks Lu et al95  Hung 9/18/00
Evaluation: Comparison Lim etal99 Biplav 9/27/00
Preprocessing: Feature Selection Dash-Liu97 Tuan 9/27/00
Preprocessing: Discretization Hussain et al99 Anand 10/2/00
Preprocessing: Sampling and Its Application Gu et al00 Minh 10/2/00
Clustering:    k-Means and EM Meila-Heckerman98 Romeo 10/9/00
Clustering:    BIRCH Zhang-etal96 Cenk 10/9/00
Association:  Rule Mining Agrawal-Srikantl94 Shriram 10/16/00
Association:  Multi-level Rules Han-Fu95 Yan 10/16/00
Association:  Parallel Mining Agrawal etal96 & Han etal97 Jianhua 10/18/00
Data Warehousing: Issues, etc. Garcia99, Widom96 Nie 10/25/00
Data Warehousing: Data Marting and Metadata Chapters 6-9 Lance 10/25/00
Semi-Structured Data: XML etc. Deutsch etal99 Huan in class
Semi-Structured Data: RDF & Meta-Data Mutsumi00 Reshma 11/6/00
Web Mining: A survey Kosala-Blckeel00 Ding 11/6/00
Web Mining: Extracting Patters and Relations Brin98 Ullas 11/15/00
Web Mining: Google Brin-Page98 Gong 11/15/00
Web Mining: Dynamic Data Mining via Sampling Brin-Page Lei 11/20/00