PRACTICE 13: IÊU, IU, IA - iêu, iu, ia

1. Listen to the following sounds and repeat each sound a couple times.
iu sounds/iu.mp3 iêu sounds/ie6u.mp3 ia sounds/ia.mp3
2. Connect the consonants b sounds/b2.mp3t sounds/t.mp3 d sounds/d.mp3 x sounds/s.mp3 to the above sounds to form new words and repeat each word a couple times.

b + ia = bia sounds/beer.mp3
b + ́a = b́a sounds/cover.mp3
t + iêu = tiêu sounds/pepper.mp3
t + iểu = tiểu sounds/small.mp3
d + ịu = dịu sounds/soft.mp3
x + ỉu = xỉu sounds/faint.mp3
3. Now, listen and match the sound on the left with the spelling on the right.