PRACTICE 14: UA, ƯA - ua, ưa


1. Listen to the following sounds and repeat each sound a couple times.
ua sounds/ua.mp3
ưa sounds/u7a.mp3
2. Connect the consonants c sounds/ck.mp3 ch sounds/ch.mp3 m sounds/m.mp3
to the above sounds to form new words and repeat each word a couple times.
c + ua = cua sounds/cua2.mp3
c + ửa = cửa sounds/door.mp3
ch + ua = chua sounds/sour.mp3
ch + ưa = chưa sounds/notyet.mp3
m + ua = mua sounds/buy.mp3
m + ưa = mưa sounds/rain.mp3
3. Now, listen and match the sound on the left with the spelling on the right.