Let's Speak Vietnamese - Chapter 13: Houses

Audio flashcards: Furniture

1. Click on the NEXT button to advance through the flash cards.

2. Click on the PLAY button (triangle) to listen to the pronunciation of each word/phrase.

3. Be sure to repeat each word/phrase out loud for a couple times.
5. Click on DELETE to go to the next flash card.
dressers.jpg sounds/dresser.mp3 tủ quần áo
beds.jpg sounds/giuong.mp3 giường
sofas.jpg sounds/sofa.mp3 ghế xa lông
lamps.jpg sounds/lamp.mp3 đèn
ban_an.jpg sounds/ban_an.mp3 bàn ăn
ghe.jpg sounds/ghe.mp3 ghế
bo_xalong.jpg sounds/bo_xalong.mp3 bộ xa lông
bo_banan.jpg sounds/bo_banan.mp3 bộ bàn ăn