Let's Speak Vietnamese - Chapter 13: Houses

Audio flashcards: Rooms in a house

1. Click on the NEXT button to advance through the flash cards.

2. Click on the PLAY button (triangle) to listen to the pronunciation of each word/phrase.

3. Be sure to repeat each word/phrase out loud for a couple times.
5. Click on DELETE to go to the next flash card.
phongkhach.gif sounds/phong_khach.mp3 phòng khách
phongngu_den.jpg sounds/phongngu.mp3 phòng ngủ
phongtam.jpg sounds/phong_tam.mp3 phòng tắm
phongvesinh.jpg sounds/phong_vesinh.mp3 phòng vệ sinh
phong_giat.jpg sounds/phong_giat.mp3 phòng giặt
phong_an.jpg sounds/phong_an.mp3 phòng ăn
nha_bep.JPG sounds/nha_bep.mp3 nhà bếp
downstairs sounds/duoi_nha.mp3 dưới nhà
upstairs [Southern dialect] sounds/tren_lau.mp3 trên lầu [Southern dialect]
upstairs sounds/tren_gac.mp3 trên gác
room sounds/phong.mp3 phòng
classifier for rooms, houses, apartment, domitory sounds/can.mp3 căn
be spacious sounds/rong.mp3 rộng
be small sounds/nho3.mp3 nhỏ