A Glimpse of Vietnam

Đi mua nhà

Post- Listening/Viewing Activities

Learning Vocabulary
List at least five new words or phrases you have learned by guessing their meaning (s) based on context.

Example: nhà mặt phố =
house facing main street

Writing Activities
1. If you were the buyer, are you interested in the house located in Liễu Giai Street and what other information you would like to know BEFORE seeing that house?

2. Write short dialogues in Vietnamese for the following endings and send those short dialogues to your instructor for correction. If you are a self-learner of Vietnamese and know how to create a Word document in VN Unicode font*, send your dialogues typed in VN Unicde font to Ms. Lê Pham Thúy-Kim at kim.le@asu.edu via attachment to have them corrected and send back to you.

a. At the house for sale, the buyer finds out the house is not exactly as described by the real estate agent. She asks her...
b. The buyer really likes the house and is serious in buying. The buyer and the real estate agent negotiate the price of the house. They says..

Oral Activities
Work with a classmate or with a native speaker of VN, act out the above dialogues.