ENG 552 Composition Studies
Course Description

Ancient Roman Fresco of Woman with Stylus ©

Our beliefs about the teaching and study of writing have over the years taken on a special status: they are no longer corrigible, they have become, to borrow Wittgenstein's words ‘how things are.' When this happens our assumptions tend to take on a certain formulaic quality. . . When this happens, not only do we have trouble conceiving of any alternatives that are tenable, we have trouble conceiving of any alternatives at all. (161-62)

--Richard E. Young “Tracing Round the Frame”

Course Description: Composition Studies provides an introduction to the landmark works in and various competing theories of composition that shape scholarly and pedagogical practices in the contemporary field of rhetoric and composition. To help us construct a map of the complex theoretical terrain, we will consider the historical, cultural and political contexts in which particular practices and theories have emerged and been valued. Further, we will consider questions such as: How do theoretical assumptions lead scholars and teachers to adopt particular practices, reject others, and appear to be blind to still others? Conversely, how do certain kinds of literate, composition, and pedagogical practices give rise to, support, challenge or undermine certain theories? One of the goals in this class will be to understand that our beliefs and those of others concerning the study and teaching of composition are corrigible . That is, theories are contingent, working explanations. Theorizing is a dynamic process. Understanding theorizing in these terms will help us to heed Richard Young's warning in the opening epigraph. Exploring landmark studies in composition studies beside and against each other and imagining alternative explanations will help us on this rich, theoretical journey.



Villanueva, Victor, ed. Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader . 2 nd ed. rev. Urbana : NCTE, 2003. ( X-Talk )

Kent, Thomas, ed. Post-Process Theory: Beyond the Writing Process Paradigm . Carbondale : Southern Illinois UP, 1999. ( Post-Process Theory )

Bloom, Lynn Z., Donald A. Daiker, and Edward M. White, eds. Composition Studies in the New Millennium: Rereading the Past, Rewriting the Future . Carbondale : Southern Illinois UP, 2003. ( Composition Studies)

Ede, Lisa. Situating Composition: Composition Studies and the Politics of Location . Carbondale : Southern Illinois UP, 2004. ( Situating Composition )

Heilker, Paul, and Peter Vandenberg, eds. Keywords in Composition Studies . Portsmouth , NH : Boynton/Cook, 1996. ( Keywords )


Ede , Lisa, ed. On Writing Research: The Braddock Essays 1975-1998 . Boston : Bedford/St. M art in's, 1999.

Tate, Gary, Amy Rupiper, Kurt Schick, eds. A Guide to Composition Pedagogies . New York : Oxford , 2001.

A bibliography of additional recommended sources will be distributed in class.



Assignments: Detailed descriptions of the following required assignments will be distributed:

•  Keyword Scholar's Journal 25%
•  Reflection on Keywords 15%
•  Oral Report on Keywords 10%
•  Proposal for Bibliographical/Rev. of Lit Essay 10%
•  Peer Response 10%
•  Bibliographical/Review of Literature Essay 30%

Attendance and P art icipation:   Because so much of what is to be learned in this course occurs in class, regular attendance is expected.  The course is so constructed that even a few absences will create serious problems.  Be prepared each class to offer comments and pose questions on the day's assigned readings.

Late Assignments: Assignments not turned in on the due date will be marked down a letter grade for each week the paper is late.

Incompletes: Please do not assume that an incomplete will be given upon request. University and dep art mental policy on the handling of incompletes will be followed; only in the case of verified emergencies and illnesses will an incomplete be given.

Withdrawal Deadlines:

Unrestricted Course Withdrawal (in Person) February 11|
Unrestricted Course Withdrawal (ASU Interactive & Sundial) February 13
Restricted Course Withdrawal April 1 **
Restricted Complete Withdrawal April 27

** Restricted Course Withdrawal requires an instructor signature indicating that the student is passing the course




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