FILENAME website HTTP ''; data file; n=-1; infile website recfm=s nbyte=n length=len; input; file "COMPPURCH10.xlsx" recfm=n; put _infile_ $varying32767. len; run; /* The data are from Dielman see computer purchase problem page 389 PURCHASE : 1 if customer purchased a computer and 0 if did not INCOME : household income in thousands of dollars AGE : age of customer's current computer */ PROC IMPORT OUT= WORK.COMPPURCH DATAFILE= "COMPPURCH10.xlsx" DBMS=xlsx REPLACE; *RANGE="A3:G80"; /*sheet="NEMA"*/ getnames=yes; RUN; proc means data=comppurch; run; proc logistic data=comppurch; model purchase(event='1')= income age ; output out=a xbeta=xb p=predicted ; run; proc print data=a; var purchase predicted xb; run; /* additional example */ data comppurch; set comppurch; age_sq=age**2; lninc=log(income); run; proc logistic data=comppurch; model purchase(event='1')= income age lninc age_sq / rsq; test1: TEST lninc=age_sq=0; run;