Paul Westerhoff

Associate Professor (Civil and Environmental Engineering) 

Arizona State University    Tempe, AZ  85287-5306

E-mail:    Phone: 480-965-2885



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Since joining the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering ( ) at Arizona State University- ASU ( )  in the Fall of 1995, I have been actively conducting research and teaching.  A full vitae is available (see vitae).  My current research interests include:

My research is heavily weighted towards water issues in Arizona.  However, the results are of significance to other portions of the US and arid-regions throughout the world. 

I am involved in multidisciplinary research activities with biologists, botanists, chemists, and geologists.  Recently completed and ongoing projects can be viewed for project summaries.  Below are some links to multidisciplinary centers that I interact with:

Undergraduate and graduate (master and Ph.D.) students and post-doctoral researchers are involved in funded research from local and national agencies (see research interests).  Pictures and information of my current research group are available.   I teach a variety of courses related to Environmental Engineering (see courses).

I am married to Kelly and have a really cute daughter.  I love the outdoors and fly-fishing.