Are you doing a thesis or a dissertation?  Yikes!  I'm sorry.  Perhaps the following will help.

The first place to start will be with various interviews:

Ríos interviews

Next, the regular sources will yield some results--for example,

  • Dictionary of Literary Biographies
  • Contemporary Authors
  • Who's Who in America
  • Who's Who in the West
  • Poetry Index
  • Roth's American Poetry Annual
  • Poets and Writers Directory

Finally, the following will be useful:


Books, Guides

Alberto Ríos.  Peter Wild.  Western Writers Series, No. 131.  Boise.  Boise State University, 1998.

Alberto Alvaro Ríos: Due Racconti.  Doctoral dissertation.  Francesca María Diofebi.  Urbino, Italy.  Universitá Degli Studi Di Urbino, 1991.  192 pages.

Study Guide for The Iguana Killer: Twelve Stories of the Heart, by Alberto Alvaro Ríos.  Janet L. Jacobsen.  "Angle of Vision" Project.  Arizona State University: 1986.  12 pp.

Full Chapters/Sections

The Harper American Literature.  Ed. by Donald McQuade, et al.  Second Compact Edition.  HarperCollins.  New York, 1996.  A selection of poems and a critical introduction.  2788, 2818-2822.
Writing the Southwest.  Ed. by David King Dunaway and Sara L. Spurgeon.  Plume/Penguin.  New York, 1995.  "Alberto Ríos."  162-180.
Masterpieces of Latino Literature.  Ed. by Frank N. Magill.  HarperCollins.  New York, 1994.  "The Poetry of Alberto Ríos."  471-474.  "The Stories of Alberto Ríos."  544-547.
Criticism in the Borderlands, ed. by Héctor Calderón and José David Saldívar.  Duke University Press.  Durham, 1991.  "Fables of the Fallen Guy," by Renato Rosaldo.  84-93.
Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing.  Ed. by Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R.  Mandell.  Holt, Rinehart and Winston.  Fort Worth: 1991.  Entire chapter dedicated to study, and writing about, short story "The Secret Lion."  "Nani" is used, similarly, as representative of the poetic form, sestina. 
American Literature.  Vol. 2.  First Edition.  Elliott, et al.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1991.  "At Kino Viejo, Mexico," "Carlos," "Mi Abuelo," "Madre Sofía," "The Purpose of Altar Boys," "Winter Along the Santa Cruz," with critical introductory headnotes.  1938-1945.
Sotto il Quinto Sole: Antologia di Poeti Chicani.  Ed. by Franca Bacchiega.  Florence, Italy: Passigli Editori, 1990.  A full selection of poems, all with Italian translations on facing pages, 255-270, with critical Introduction.
Mexican American Literature.  General Editor, Charles Tatum.   Orlando: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1990.  A selection of poems, 564-569, and a short story, 339-351, with critical discussions and Teachers' Manual.
Modern Poems: A Norton Introduction.  Second Edition.  Ed. by Richard Ellmann and Robert O'Clair.  New York: W.W. Norton, 1989.  A selection of poems, 867-871, with a critical and biographical introduction.
The Norton Anthology of American Literature.  Third Edition, Volume 2.  Ed. by Nina Baym, et al.  New York: W.W. Norton, 1989.  A selection of poems, 2782-2789, with a critical introduction.
The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry.  Second  Edition.  Ed. by Richard Ellmann, Robert O'Clair, and John Benedict.  New York: W.W. Norton, 1988.  Full critical essay, with selection of poems.  1701-1708.
Chicano Poetry: A Critical Introduction.   Cordelia Chávez Candelaria.  Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1986.  Extensive critical discussion throughout text.

Major Reviews

Americas Review.  Vol. 24, Nos. 3-4.  Fall-Winter 1996 (1998).  "Review of Pig Cookies and Other Stories, by Alberto Alvaro Ríos," by Leslie Wootten.  250-252.
Poetry, Vol. 162, No. 4.  July 1993.  "Habits of Mind: Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses.  224-229.
Kenyon Review, 1991.  "Solitaires and Storytellers, Magicians and Pagans," by Leslie Ullman.  Rev. of Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses.  179-193.
Revista Chicano Riqueña (Americas Review), Summer, 1983, Vol. II, No. 2. "Whispering to Fool the Wind," by José David Saldívar.  72-74.
Ironwood, Spring, 1982, Vol. 10, No. 1: 157-161.  "The Story Telling Itself," by Naomi Shihab Nye.  Rev. of Sleeping on Fists and Whispering to Fool the Wind.
Denver Quarterly, 17.2 (1982): 141-144.  "The Real and the Marvelous in Nogales, Arizona," by José David Saldívar.

Reviews (selected)

World Literature Today.  Vol. 70, No. 2.  Spring 1996: 415.  "Pig Cookies," by Greg Sanchez.
Prairie Schooner.  Vol. 69, No. 3.  Fall 1995: 165-167.  "Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses," by Ted Genoways.
Hispanic.  Vol. 8, No. 4.  May 1995: 80-81.  "Pig Cookies," by Mark Holson.
New York Times Book Review.  September 17, 1995: 25.  "'The Gingerbread of Living,'" by Sandra Scofield.  Review of Pig Cookies.
Publishers Weekly.  March 20, 1995: 54.  "Pig Cookies."  Starred review.
Los Angeles Times.  "Book Review," Sunday, 7-26-92.  "Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses."  6.
The Bloomsbury Review, March 1991: 5.  "Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses," by William Young. 
Village Voice.  February 5, 1991.  "Ríos Profundos," by Robyn Selman.  Rev. of Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses.
Hispanic.  January/February 1991: 90.  "Reviews."  Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses, by Amalio Madueño.
San Francisco Chronicle Review.  January 20, 1991: 1.  "Magical Lines on Sensuality," by Patty Somlo.  Rev. of Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses.
Poetry Pilot.  January 1991: 12.  "Alberto Ríos, Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses."
Booklist.  November 1, 1990.  "Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses."
Arizona Republic.  September 30, 1990: E12.  "New and Notable," by Anne Stephenson.
Library Journal.  September 15, 1990.  "Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses," by Ivan Arguelles.
Los Angeles Times Book Review.  September 9, 1990: 7.  Review poem excerpted from Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses, "Anselmo's Moment with God." 
Albuquerque Journal.  September 11, 1989.  "Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses," by Eloisa Bergere Brown.
Phoenix Gazette.  April 12, 1989.  "Once a Writer, Always a Writer," by Dave Eskes.
American Book Review.  May-June/July-August, 1987, Vol. 9, No. 3: 15-16.  "Onto Something New: Five Indiscretions."  Rev. of Five Indiscretions, by Lawrence Joseph.
Puerto Del Sol, Spring, 1987: 175-80.  "Celso, Five Indiscretions."  Rev. of Five Indiscretions, by Cordelia Chavez Candelaria.
New York Times Book Review, February 9, 1986.  "Disk Jockeys, Eggplants and Desaparecidos."  Rev. of Five Indiscretions, by Carol Muske. 
Chicago Literary Review, December 6, 1985.  "Dynamics at the Border."  Rev. of Whispering to Fool the Wind, by Carole Byrd. 
Phoenix Magazine, September, 1985: 63.  "Books."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer, by Cecilia Kline.
Deseret News, May 12, 1985: 4.  "Literature: Underlying Voice of Chicano Awareness Month," by Jerry Johnston. 
Booklist, May 1, 1985: 1231.  "Ríos, Alberto."  Rev. of Five Indiscretions.
Library Journal, May 1, 1985: 64.  "Ríos, Alberto."  Rev. of Five Indiscretions.
Detroit Free Press, April 28, 1985: 7B.  "Poet from Two Cultures Has All-American Dream," by Barbara Holliday. 
Publishers Weekly, April 12, 1985: 97-98.  Rev. of Five Indiscretions
West Coast Review Of Books, March, 1985: 26.  "The Iguana Killer."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer, by Randy Lavine. 
Books Of The Southwest,  February, 1985: 10.  "The Iguana Killer."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer, by David W. Laird. 
Choice, January, 1985: 180.  "Alberto Alvaro Ríos."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer, by J.N. Igo, Jr.
Small Press Review.  1985.  "Alberto Ríos and 'The Iguana Killer,'" by Bryce Milligan.
New York Times Book Review, December  23, 1984: 16.  "In Short."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer, by Jodi Daynard. 
The Denver Post, December 16, 1984.  "Ríos' 12 Short Stories Combine Hispanic, Childhood Concerns."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer, by Rex Burns. 
Los Angeles Times Book Review, December 16, 1984: 12.  "A Boy's Eye View of Life at Border."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer, by Louis Sahagun. 
San Diego Union, December 16, 1984: Books 5.  "Soul of Poet Infuses Stories."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer, by Cynthia Collier. 
Phoenix Gazette, December 7, 1984: SE-5.  "Hero? Chandler Writer Wary of Praise, Shocked at National Notoriety," by Dennis Wagner. 
Esquire, December, 1984: 125+.  "Arts & Letters, the Esquire 1984 Register: An Explosion of Creators."
San Francisco Chronicle, November 25, 1984.  "Stories from a Child's Eye View."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer, by Edward Kleinschmidt.
El Diario-La Prensa, November 11, 1984: 32.  "Alberto Alvaro Ríos o El Dilema de la Literatura Chicana," by Javier Martinez de Pison.
Arizona Republic, October 23, 1984: B9.  "Secrets Hold the Key to Collection of AZ Author's Short Stories," by E.J. Montini.
Newsday, October 21, 1984: 70.  "'The Iguana Killer' and Its Chicano Creator," by Leslie Hanscom.
Library Journal, September 15, 1984: 1774.  "Ríos, Alberto Alvaro."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer, by Andrea Kempf.
Booklist, September 1, 1984: 28.  "Ríos, Alberto Alvaro."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer
Publishers Weekly, August 10, 1984.  "The Iguana Killer."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer
Chandler Arizonan,  June 10, 1984: B1-2.  "Young Chandler Author Turned Writing into a 'Real' Occupation," by Linda Romine.
John Barkham Reviews, 1984.  "The Chicano Voice."  Rev. of The Iguana Killer, by John Barkham. 
Western States Arts Foundation.  "Winners of the First Western States Book Awards Announced."  Press release and review, 1984.  Santa Fe, N.M.   
North American Review, December, 1983: 11.  Rev. of Whispering to Fool the Wind
Village Voice, October, 1982.  "Whispering to Fool the Wind," by Mary Logue.
Library Journal, July, 1982: 1329.  "Ríos, Alberto."  Rev. of Whispering to Fool the Wind, by Thom Tammaro. 
Publishers Weekly, April 16, 1982: 58.  "Whispering to Fool the Wind." 
Contact Ii, No. 34/35: 24-27.  "The Lingo is the Message."  Rev. of Elk Heads on the Wall and others, by Carol Rubinstein. 

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