c. Teaching Experience.  You may include here any teaching experience you have had.  However, it is useful to separate out university or college experience from "related teaching experience."  See next section.  It is often useful to title this section: "University Teaching Experience."  List your job title, department, institution, and dates employed.  You may also wish to include the courses you taught and how many times you taught them, which is a good idea on an early vita.  Give the course title, followed by a notation such as "2 sections."

d. Related Teaching Experience.  You may include here any teaching experience you have had in any situation, and this can be a fully separate category heading if in fact you have several entries for this category.  This, for example, is where any outreach work would go, or workshops you have given, or Artists-in-Education experience.  If you have only one entry, however, or two, consider listing them under the "Teaching Experience" category.  List jobs here as you did under "Teaching Experience," but substitute organization for university.  If you were not in a particular department, drop the reference and just name the organization.  Include where this organization was located, and dates employed.

e. Teaching Interests.  This would go after "University Teaching" and "Related Teaching," and would outline courses you would like to teach, or areas of general interest.  Be prepared, however, to discuss a syllabus for each of these interests.

· ADVICE. Do pay attention to the job announcement.  If the ad expresses an interest in composition along with creative writing, you would be wise to respond accordingly.

f. Readings.  List here all of your invited speaking engagements.  Include where it was and when.  If there was a title to the event, you may include it, along with any other specialized information

g. Conference Presentations.  List here any scholarly or pedagogical papers you have delivered, or talks you have given.  Include the information as described above.

h. Grants, Awards, and Scholarships.  You may include here any kinds of recognitions that are appropriate.  Include the title of the grant or award, who awarded it, and when.  If there is specific other information, briefly include it

· ADVICE. This is a variable placement category--that is, if you have won a big award or have received a big grant, then this category should come early in the vita.  If you have some nice school awards, or community recognitions, this category should come later.  You will need to use your own judgment.  Remember, you must judge the appropriateness of these awards relative to what you are using this vita for.
· At the beginning of a career, mentions of "finalist" or 3rd place and the like are appropriate enough, and show good evidence of a writer at work in the field.  But as stronger entries start to find their way onto the vita, these should likely start to fade off.
· No high school awards.
i. Research Experience.  Include here any specialized research experience you have had, whether related to a project or as a research assistant.  Provide the circumstances: for whom or for what purpose was the research done, where, and when.  You may provide a short description.

j. Administrative Experience.  Include here any clear administrative experience you have had.  Explain as above.

k. Editing.  Treat this work as you would regular employment, indicating the project, for whom it was done, where, and when.

l. Professional Development.  If you have something that applies here, supply the details--what was it, where, when.  This would include specific seminars or workshops, particularly those for which you received some kind of credit or certificate.  Anything with the word "pedagogy" in it would go here.

m. Service.  You may include here any kind of work that in some fashion demonstrates a greater interest in the field.  Any kind of outreach, or talks to kids, or community committee work belongs here.  This is reasonably wide open.  But pay attention to what is, finally, a personal interest rather than service to the field.  You may want to break this into several sections, such as "University Service," or "Department Service," and "Community Service."

  • ADVICE. Some interesting things can happen at this particular point in the vita, about which we should be straightforward.  For example, a person may list a mission to Japan for the L.D.S. church here, or work for Catholic Charities, or Gray Panthers, or whatever, and certainly the list can go on: the point is, a personal expression of faith or commitment has every reason to be listed here as part of your professional life if it's what you do.  That there may be consequences is a distinct possibility, though nobody may say so.  We have not eradicated all prejudice or bias in the universe--either kind.  That is, it may work against you or it may work for you. 
  • Don't fret.  You are who you are.  People may make assumptions about you based on this information, and indeed may be correct.  How they feel about that association you have little control over, and may in fact never know.  The only real advice here, as you can do little about those assumptions, is to proceed with this information in mind, and use it reasonably to your advantage.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
--Theodore Roosevelt

n. Professional Memberships.  This entry would normally be the last before the References section.  Listing of memberships is generally passive, rather than active, information.  If you are active in an organization--for example, you are the vice-president--then it would be appropriate to list this under service.
o. Professional Representation.  You may include here your agent's name and all contact information, if indeed an agent represents you.

p. Related Experience.  Some other categories may be useful to consider throughout the vita, or you may want to simply list a few items together in this more general category.  Remember that you need not do this at all.  This simply gives you an option if you have other information or experience that is useful for the vita.

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