Fly, little friend, be free!  And on your travels, you may want to visit one of these sites. All they really have in common is that I have found them useful for some reason or another, but I have tried to categorize them for your convenience.  Before you go, please drop down and sign my guestbook. Thanks in advance!

Please visit  The House of Rhetoric for more rhetorical links. is federalese for the Library of Congress.

An entire collection of Presidential Inaugural Addresses is located at Gift of Speech has woman Nobel laureates' speeches.

Like old books reproduced online? Try  here at Bartleby.

Aspiring scholars can learn a lot about writing from good old  Strunk and White .

Anime is the Japanese word for animated features. Since I'm contemplating a study of these, you get stuck with the links.  These links will show you why these cartoons aren't just for kids.

There are specialized genres just for young girls in Japan, which is where my interests lie (eg. Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket). Not that there's anything wrong with sword wielding vampire queens in schoolgirl uniforms (eg. Blood +).

Read honest-to-goodness academic explanatory essays here.

Most of my favorites are available to view at

One of the best anti-war movies ever made is anime: Grave of the Fireflies Rent it and prepare to cry like a baby.

The menu and headers are all original work by me! I also did the flash animations on the fun page.

Most of the itty bitty gif animations were collected from Gini's Graphics. Virginia (Gini) Schmidt Larcom has passed away, so her site is no longer active. I'm crediting her just the same.

All content, better or worse, is entirely my fault.