Desert Surface Processes and Quaternary Geomorphology seminar

GLG 490C (25406) or GLG 598M (24086)

Organized by Assistant Professor Ramón Arrowsmith

Geology Department; 965-3541;

Thursdays, 12:00-1:30 pm; PSH 457

Progress in our understanding of desert surface processes and Quaternary geomorphology may be accomplished by bringing together students and faculty from diverse disciplines for consideration of current and classic research results and field sites.

This 90 minute seminar will be an informal once weekly opportunity for participants to discuss relevant literature. The requirements for this 1 unit credit (Pass/Fail) are attendance, leading a discussion, and writing a 2-5 page summary and annotated bibliography that are due the day of the discussion. Arrowsmith will assemble the summaries into a review document for all participants. We will have three Saturday field trips to highlight the issues that we discuss. Students in Geology, Geography, Zoology, Civil Engineering and other disciplines are encouraged to participate in this interdisciplinary seminar.


Facilitator(s) *
8/28Introduction to seminar and brainstorm on key issues Arrowsmith
9/4Desert soilsStefanov and Elsheik
9/11Relative Quaternary dating methods Soil carbonate development; Rock varnish development Hamilton
9/18Absolute Quaternary dating methods Cosmogenic and radiocarbon dating Fonstad and Roberge
9/25No meeting
10/2Geomorphic responses to climate change Arrowsmith
10/4White Tank Mountains field trip
10/9Late Tertiary geologic history of central Arizona Johnson and Frechette
10/16Piedmont environments and processes Robinson
10/23No meeting
10/30Desert fluvial landforms Holloway and Proctor
11/6Desert fluvial processes Stone
11/13Relations among urbanization and surficial processes Gerber and Douthitt
11/16Salt River terraces and Usery Mtns Piedmont field trip
11/20Relations among ecological and surficial processes Curro
12/4Desert dust and eolian processes Hilley and Nowicki
12/6Cave Creek and Carefree area field trip

*Facilitation responsibilities:

1) Selection of readings (with Arrowsmith)
2) 20-30 minute presentation of key issues
3) Lead discussion
4) Writing a 2-5 page summary and annotated bibliography due the day of the discussion. Identify key concepts and issues and define pointers to important references.

Landsat Image of South Mountains area

Northern Papago Park (D. M.Burt photo )