Geologic mapping, Geographic Information Systems management, tectonic geomorphology, and geomorphic and tectonic modeling at Arizona State University, Contribution to NSF Continental Dynamics program collaborative research: Transpressional strain partitioning: The Carrizo Plain segment of the San Andreas Fault.

Compilation of existing geologic data (mapping, wellbore, and industry seismic), additional geologic mapping of late Tertiary rocks and the detailed structure within the SAF Zone, paleoseismic trench investigations of active faults, and geomorphic and tectonic modeling will complement the seismic and MT data and significantly enhance our ability to interpret them and apply our results to improve understanding of the partitioning of deformation between parallel striking strike-slip and thrust faults and folds. This work will be completed mostly at Arizona State University by Arrowsmith and a graduate student dedicated to this project for 100% research time. It will comprise a significant part of the PhD. dissertation of the student at Arizona State University. A very capable student, George Hilley, will attend ASU starting fall 1996 and has indicated his interest in this project (see the Carrizo Plain Active Tectonics web site for a demonstration of work done by he and Arrowsmith: http://pangea.Stanford.EDU/~geomech/carrizo/).

Development of a Geographic Information System for management of geological datasets

Because of the nearby oil rich areas of the Cuyama and southwestern San Joaquin Valleys, many geologic observations have been made in the Carrizo Plain area. These include the following studies: Arrowsmith, 1995; Bartow, 1988; Dibblee, 1962; Dibblee, 1973; Graham et al., 1989; Vedder, 1970; Vedder and Repenning, 1965; Vedder and Wallace, 1970; Wallace, 1968; Wallace, 1973; Wallace, 1975. Along with these data, much data from the petroleum industry is available, and will be compiled and interpreted by Steve Graham and his research group. A summary database of geology and data source locations will be developed at Arizona State University as a Geographic Information System (see below). This database will permit us to quickly update our maps, plan field strategies, thoroughly interpret much of the data, disseminate the observations, and archive the information.

A Geographic Information System is defined as "An organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information" [ESRI, 1993]. A GIS is a system of single attribute "layers" of data registered to a common map base. A model of their interrelationship allows the user to selectively combine, compare, or modify them. Such actions are the features of a GIS that distinguish it from a set of maps. The detailed GIS that we will develop will allow for the integration and comparison of observations and modeled results in unique way, possibly indicating some non-intuitive or unanticipated results (Figures 1 and 2). The GIS development will allow us to effectively manage our large datasets. We will compile geologic and geomorphic observations, remotely sensed data, and results from the models of deformation and degradation to assemble a geographically referenced database allowing for the manipulation and combination of observations, inferences, and model results. Specifically, our geologic and geomorphic maps will be compiled with 7.5" digital terrain models, repeat aerial photography, airborne TIMS (Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner), SPOT satellite imagery (these remotely sensed data are already in hand at Arizona State University; figure 1), field survey data, and calculated deformation fields and degradation patterns. These observations will be considered together with the seismic and magnetotelluric databases that will also be incorporated into our GIS. We will use the GIS facilities at Stanford University and Arizona State University, and work in collaboration with Carl Wentworth (US Geological Survey in Menlo Park) who is generating a regional geologic and geophysical database of the Carrizo Plain area.

Mapping of late Tertiary sediments and structures will enhance the interpretation of the geophysical data

Along with the compilation of geologic data, new mapping of Pliocene to Recent deposits and detailed structures within the SAFZ will constrain the timing and geometry of regional deformation, thus clarifying the interpretation of the regional seismic and MT data; as well as the kinematics within the SAFZ, thus helping with the interpretation of the high resolution seismic data. Again, these data will be compiled using the GIS. Provenance and paleocurrent data from Pliocene and younger terrestrial deposits of the Paso Robles formation north and west of the CP document the uplift of the Temblor Range in the late Pliocene, causing a reversal of drainage [Dibblee, 1962; Galehouse, 1967]. In the late Pleistocene, the drainage through the CP from the Temblor and Caliente Ranges became trapped and a closed basin developed, shutting off the upper Salinas River basin and forming the Soda Lake basin in the central Carrizo Plain. We hypothesize that the partitioning of the regional drainage basins is due to active slip along the crustal scale thrust faults inferred to underlie the Temblor and Caliente Ranges. In particular, the proposed documentation of drainage reversal in the Paso Robles formation and Soda Lake area will provide information on the activity of the Whiterock-Morales-Big Spring thrust faults underlying the Caliente Range (see the regional geologic map figure). This portion of the field work will cover the SAF zone, was well as selected areas in the region such as a ~30 km2 portion of the Paso Robles formation that apparently has been uplifted about 100 m in the northwestern Caliente Range (see the first figure of this proposal). We hypothesize that these deposits may provide important clues to the Plio-Pleistocene history of the region, and thus for the deformation geometry and rate associated with the apparently active thrust faults underneath the Caliente Range and that we expect will be imaged in the geophysical experiments.

Previous mapping of the SAF zone structure and geomorphology in the southeastern Carrizo Plain has allowed the determination of the geometry and rate of deformation associated with active structures in the region [Arrowsmith, 1995; Arrowsmith et al., 1996; Figures 1 and 2]. We will continue these investigations along the SAF and along the seismic transect, quantifying geomorphic evidence of active deformation. The structures illustrated in figures 1 and 2 point out the importance of detailed mapping of structures and landforms. The combination of both datasets provides a means of constraining the temporal and spatial distribution of deformation within the fault zone.

For example, the SAF in the Carrizo Plain changes strike from ~N45W in the northwest to ~N60W in the southeast over a distance of about 60 km as it enters the northern portion of the Big Bend. The change in strike results in an increased component of motion perpendicular to the SAF which may drive the development of secondary structures and localized uplift. In the northwest, the strike is deviated < 3deg. from the N45W reference; the secondary deformation near the fault zone is small, and offset channels (such as Wallace Creek) are well preserved. In the central Carrizo Plain, the deviation in strike is 3-9deg. and pressure ridges elongate parallel to and bounded by the SAF (on the northeast) develop. The largest and southeasternmost one is the Dragon's Back (DB; see figures 1 and 2). Morphometry such as longitudinal and cross valley profiles and drainage basin and network development along with geologic mapping are consistent with the hypothesis that as the DB moves through a relatively stationary uplift zone, drainages initiate as they enter the uplift zone and develop as they move through and away from the uplift zone. In the southeastern Carrizo Plain, the SAF strike is deviated up to 15deg.. A topographic welt (the Northern Elkhorn Hills--NEH; see figures 1 and 2) has developed adjacent to and on the northeast side of the SAF beginning just southeast of the DB. Our geologic mapping and geomorphic investigations indicate that a southwest dipping reverse fault underlies the NEH and probably intersects and offsets the SAF. The footwall of the NEH reverse fault may provide the localized uplift source for the DB. Normal faults have formed grabens in the hanging wall of the NEH reverse fault. Morphologic dating of the graben scarps and the beheading of a southwest-draining channel by slip along the reverse fault are consistent with the inference that the NEH are moved into the relatively stationary Big Bend and are progressively deformed and degraded [Arrowsmith, 1995; Arrowsmith, 1992; Arrowsmith and Rhodes, 1992]. These observations and inferences provide a complex view of the interacting blocks within the SAFZ over the km-scale. We expect that the structural and high resolution seismic interpretations proposed would be complementary.

The mapping effort will be completed by Arrowsmith and a graduate student. They will extend the geologic mapping presented in Figure 2 along the SAF northwest past the main seismic line approximately 20 km for a total of 60 km of fault zone mapping. Despite the apparent breadth of the proposed geologic and geomorphologic mapping, it is feasible because of our experience in the area. We have reconnoitered and already mapped portions of the entire section. We expect to compile unpublished mapping and topographic data from the research of Alan Bartow, Kerry Sieh, Lisa Grant, John G. Vedder, and John Sims and colleagues. Not only will we document the active fault segments, but also the attitude of bedding, the type and quality of tectonic landforms, and potential sites for detailed paleoseismic investigations. The structural geology will be analyzed using standard down-plunge views, and fault slip analysis, along with our numerical techniques. Representative landforms will be selected for morphologic analysis, and their development simulated with the numerical methods for geomorphic and tectonic displacements.

Paleoseismic trenching and morphologic analysis of tectonic landforms will provide rates of deformation for structures imaged in the geophysical experiments

Along with the continuation of mapping, our investigations into the morphologic dating of tectonic landforms (see below) will be tested in a trenching project across fault scarps adjacent to the SAF. This portion of the project will provide detailed constraints on the types and rates of processes controlling geomorphic displacements of tectonic landforms along the SAF zone in the Carrizo Plain. This continuation of the calibration process will help us apply the morphologic analyses of selected tectonic landforms identified in our mapping in order to characterize the temporal development of the SAF zone in the Carrizo Plain. For example, normal faults cut the hanging wall of the NEH thrust faults (Figures 1 and 2). We hypothesize that the normal faults and the thrust faults are related mechanically. The normal faults probably slip a few tens of cm in each earthquake rupture along the nearby San Andreas. Even if we do not find dateable material, we can determine the amount of slip per event by looking at the colluvial material adjacent to the fault scarps. If dateable material is found, we may determine the slip rate along that normal fault, and thus compare it with the best-fitting slip rate determined using the morphologic techniques.

Morphologic dating of fault scarps characterizes the timing of late Cenozoic fault activity by quantitatively comparing observed topographic profiles with those determined using a calibrated landscape development model. This method complements detailed paleoseismic trenching investigations by providing lower precision ages over broader areas at lesser expense. Our model assumes transport-limited conditions and applies to slopes over which the material transport rate is proportional only to local slope (diffusion erosion). [Arrowsmith et al., 1995a; Arrowsmith et al., 1995b] calibrated the material transport rate constant at a site where the timing is well established (Wallace Creek), and then dated other fault scarps in the region.

The model was calibrated using 9 profiles along the southwest-facing scarp southeast of Wallace Creek in the Carrizo Plain. This scarp has been exposed by lateral offset of a southeast-sloping shutter ridge along the northwest-striking San Andreas Fault (SAF), and by vertical offset related to local deformation. This reconstruction is supported by the established geologic history which provides an average Holocene slip rate of 3.5 cm/yr. The initial profiles are identified by projection of remnants of an incised fan surface to the SAF. The lower end of each profile (at the SAF) drops at a rate determined by the difference in elevations between the inferred initial profile and the observed final profile taking into account the time since exposure of that portion of the scarp by passage of the shutter ridge. Given those assumptions, the average rate constant (diffusivity) is 8.5+/-1.8 m2/ka at Wallace Creek. This result is qualitatively reasonable in that it is between the 1 m2/ka determined for the Basin and Range and the 11 m2/ka determined for the Santa Cruz seacliffs [e.g., Hanks et al., 1984; Rosenbloom and Anderson, 1994]. We expect to improve the calibration in our proposed investigation by trenching selected sites and performing further morphologic tests.

The important application of this technique is that we can determine slip rates along the many faults within the SAFZ in the Carrizo Plain area because we can assume that they will have experienced similar climate, we can choose profiles with a similar aspect (a similar facing direction will minimize microclimatic effects), and we can establish that they scarps are developed in similarly resistant to erosion materials (i.e,. the Paso Robles Formation and other Quaternary deposits). Determining slip rates along the various faults of the region will permit us to quantitatively document the degree of strain partitioning and to develop mechanical models for the interaction between these structures (see below). As an example of morphologic dating in the area, Figure 3 illustrates how normal fault slip rates were determined for two graben-bounding faults in the Northern Elkhorn Hills in the southeastern Carrizo Plain by applying the calibrated model to determine the scarp ages. These scarps are cut into the same material, face the same direction, and presumably have the same climatic history as those at Wallace Creek (only 30 km northwest). Slip rates for these faults are a few millimeters per year, and the northwestern one is about 12 k. y. old while the other is about 63 k. y old. We infer that the normal faults form above reverse faults that accommodate increasing contraction adjacent to the SAF as them material enters the Big Bend. Because one graben is 50 ka older than and 1 km southeast of the other, they progressively develop at a rate of about 2 cm/yr. These slip rate determinations have been incorporated into a Geographic Information System database that permits us to investigate the relationships between the progressive development of the normal faults and detailed geologic and geomorphic mapping, and mechanical models of the geologic structures [Arrowsmith et al., 1995b; Hilley and Arrowsmith, 1995a; Hilley and Arrowsmith, 1995b].

Mechanical modeling of strain partitioning

In order to mechanically test the hypothesized geometries of structures that are observed in the geophysical data, as well as inferred in the balanced cross-section work of Steve Graham and his students, we will use a numerical 3D mechanical model of interacting faults. We model surface displacements and mechanical interaction between various faults using polygonal displacement discontinuities and with uniform displacement discontinuity and or uniform tractions along each element and a remote stress field [Erikson, 1987; Okada, 1985; Thomas, 1993]. These techniques calculate the elastic fields (displacements, stresses, strains, and tilts) caused by any amount of strike-slip, dip-slip, and opening displacement discontinuity or traction on any number of arbitrarily striking and dipping fault elements. 2 dimensional models of interacting faults with variable friction will also be developed and compared with our observations [e.g., FRIC2D, Cooke and Pollard, 1994] and those of the regional contemporary stress state [e. g., Castillo and Zoback, 1994]. Such methods are commonly used for modeling displacements associated with slip events on faults and the stress changes associated with earthquakes [e. g., Reasenberg and Simpson, 1992]. Because the some of the sources of the measured deformation appear to be dominantly located in the upper crust, elastic models are a useful tool for this portion of the study. Aseismic shear or flow below the seismic upper 15 km of the crust are also represented by buried dislocations [e.g., Bürgmann et al., 1994; Lisowski et al., 1991; Thatcher and Lisowski, 1987]. Traction boundary conditions permit us to specify remote stresses determined from other geologic or geophysical data, or a fault may perturb the stress field, and the tractions along fault elements of interest may be resolved, the corresponding displacement discontinuity determined, and the surface displacement fields calculated [Thomas, 1993]. We proceed with the elastic analysis in order to characterize the short-term tectonic displacement distributions due to single or multiple events that are additive in a time independent fashion. To a first-order, this approach is an improvement over kinematic models such as block motion, in which one portion of the body is moved rigidly relative to the other. In such a model, there is no strain within the blocks being moved; here we explicitly include deformation and interaction. Furthermore, the relationship between surface folds and blind thrusts may be studied by means of cross-section balancing techniques [e. g., Suppe and Medwedeff, 1990], and those methods will be complemented using these three-dimensional mechanical tools [e.g., Taboada et al., 1993].

Figure Captions.

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Figure 1. Panchromatic SPOT image (courtesy of SPOT Image Corp.) of the southeastern Carrizo Plainillustrating the geography, physiography, and geomorphology of the Caliente Range foothills (at the bottom); the southeastern Carrizo Plain (center); and the Elkhorn Scarp--defined in the northwest by the pressure ridges, including the Dragon's Back, and in the southeast by the southwest side of the Elkhorn Hills (northeast of the SAF, NEH is Northern Elkhorn Hills, and SEH is Southern Elkhorn Hills). The Elkhorn Plain separates the Elkhorn Hills from the Temblor Range (at the top right).

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Figure 2. Sample geologic map generated from the Arc-Info database illustrating the detail of geologic mapping and the association of normal and reverse faults with the SAF in this area. These plots are still under development but illustrate our GIS capability [Hilley and Arrowsmith, 1995b]. Conceptual isometric block diagram of a portion of the Northern Elkhorn Hills through the southeastern end of the Dragon's Back pressure ridge is shown in the upper left. Note that if the SAF is offset by slip along the thrust fault, it is too deep to develop the localized deformation necessary for pressure ridge uplift. However this material is tilting to the south, away from the uplift zone. The intersection between the SAF and the thrust fault must become shallow rapidly because it may be at ~500 m depth 1 km to the northwest. The location of this block diagram shown on the geologic map in the upper right of figure 2.. The block is 1 km long parallel to the SAF, and 2 km long perpendicular. Topography and structures are vertically exaggerated 2x. The subsurface structure is constrained by interpretation of well logs, down plunge projection of structures and inferences of similar horizontal and vertical scales of structures, but clearly could complement and be complemented by the high resolution seismic data that we propose to acquire.

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Figure 3. Morphologic dating results of NEH graben scarps for diffusion erosion case (m = 0, n = 1). The locations of the scarp profiles shown in Figure 1 (L&S = Long and Skinny). The initial shape is a 1.2deg. sloping surface (solid line), the final shape with no geomorphic displacements is dashed, the observations dotted, and the model profiles solid (shown with corresponding morphologic age). All boundary conditions are constant flux of zero (used to simulate the rounding of the upper crest and the filing of the graben). The angle of repose is assumed to be 35deg.. Also shown are the distributions of model misfit [e.g., Avouac and Peltzer, 1993; Avouac, 1993].


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