9/17; Using Endnote to generate and manage a bibliographic database

How do you deal with references for your paper?

Bibliographic database programs

We use a program that is called Endnote Plus 2. It is a "...bibliographic database program that manages bibliographic references and creates bibliographies automatically in your word processor" made by Niles and Associates.

Creating the database

Creating a library

Endnote works by permitting you to create a library of references. Each is like a digital filing card on which you might write some information about a references such as the authors, the title, the publication date, etc.
Launch Endnote plus on the Macintosh side of the machines. Create a new library or open an old one. Try to save it on a floppy or a server to which you can connect later.

Entering your own references

Manual entry
Click on references and then choose new. You will be able to choose the type of refere3nce by clicking at the top where it now probably says Journal Article. Manual entry of the fields a reference can be done by typing the information or by cutting and pasting from another application where you have bibliographic information.
NOTE: You should type the author names with last name first and the first hames or initials separated by commas. Each new author name should be entered on a new line.
NOTE: You should type in the least information as possible for the fields. For example, only type the number of the volume (e.g., "2), don't type "vol. 2."
You can add some extra information at the bottom that can be of use such as annotations and call numbers in the notes field.
FItration of GEOREF output
As you might imagine, typing lots of information like that would get tedious, especially now that you all are pros at GEOREF. Search as you would normally in GEOREF and download your marked documents. Move the download file to PCSHARE (F: drive) so that you can see it from the Mac.

Hook up to the department Appleshare server Catbert (PSF zone; guest access).

In side of Endnote, under the file menu, click on import. It will ask you for the file to import. CHoose the download file from Georef. Then it will ask you to choose a filter file. Choose the one called ASUGLGGEOREF on the top level of the Catbert Public folder.

We have to have a way to filter the fields as defined by Georef into the fields that Endnote wants. I found this filter at the Niles and Associates web site in here: ftp://ftp.niles.com/pub/mac/updated_filters/.
Finish the operation, and you should see a status screen that tells you how the filter is going. Once it is done, you will see the newly filtered references appear in you library. If you had others, they won't show unless you go to the reference menu, and then choose "Show All." Note that the filtration is not always perfect, especially with odd or old references. You shoul check all of the references to see that they were done correctly while you still have the downloaded file handy.

Inserting your references into a Microsoft word document

As you write your paper, you will find an occasion when you should provide a citation to illustrate your point, provide a link to previous or related research, or to otherwise give credit to somthing that someone else has done. When you come to such a point, from inside of Microsoft Word, choose the Tools menu and then select Endnote 2.1. If it the first time you do this, it may take a moment for Word to establish communications with Endnote. Once it has, you choose the relevant citation or citations (shift click to get more than one), and then paste them into Word a the correct point. You will see a strange citation that looks something like this:
[Sieh, 1977 #206; Sieh, 1978 #71; Sieh, 1995 #427; Sims, 1989 #252]
This is a shorthand for Endnote to hold the place until you are ready to format the paper. Note that the insertion is surrounded by brackets. If you have lots of other brackets in your paper, it can confuse Endnote, so be careful.

Formatting you Word document

Once you are ready for the final draft, under Tools menu in Word, choose Format Bibliography. You will be given a choice of format style. These are customizable. Choose an appropriate one (I usually use J. of Geophysical Research). The program will do all kind of things with numerous stauts screens flashing by. In the end, your intext citations should be formatted (pretty much correctly):
[Sieh, 1977; Sieh, 1978; Sieh, 1995; Sims, 1989]
So should the reference list, which will usually appear at the end of the document somewhere:
Sieh, K.E., A study of Holocene displacement history along the south-central reach of the San Andreas fault, PhD. thesis, Stanford University, 1977.
Sieh, K.E., Prehistoric large earthquakes produced by slip on the San Andreas fault at Pallet Creek, California, Journal of Geophysical Research, 83, 3907-3939, 1978.
Sieh, K.E., The repetition of large earthquake ruptures, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, submitted., 1995.
Sims, J.D., Field guide to the Parkfield-Cholame segment of the San Andreas fault, central California, in The San Andreas Transform Belt, edited by A.G. Sylvester, and J.C. Crowell, pp. 98-103, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C., 1989.

Note that the Reference list and the citations are live fields in the Word Document. Try not to alter them much. If you don't, you can unformat the bibliography easily enough if you need to make some changes. This way if you add or delete references, the changes will be reflected in the text.

Assignment 5

Using Appleshare and Your AFS Space
Pages maintained by
Prof. Ramón Arrowsmith

Pages last modified on Thurs Sept 18 1997.