Arrowsmith Sabbatical 2001-2002 Schedule

Varies from Tentative to set in stone

August 19-31, 2001: ASU

September 1-November 18, 2001: University of Potsdam, Germany collaboration with colleagues

September 16-October 8, 2001: Field work along the Sutlej River in NW India
Here are some maps for this trip made with GTOPO30 and GMT

December 7-22: New Zealand, including participation in the ILP Ten years of paleoseismology in the ILP : progress and prospects

January 15 to March 2: Middle Ledi, Ethiopia working with Institute of Human Origins colleagues on stratigraphy, faulting and paleoenvironmental analysis of hominid sites.
Here are some maps and images from this trip

May 13-June 20, 2002: University of Potsdam, Germany collaboration with colleagues

July 1-10, 2002: Firenze, Italy Horvath-Rohwedder wedding

Last modified August 20, 2001