GLG 310/598 Structural Geology

Planes and Topography Lab information

This is regarding the Mathematica visualization presentation that I made today at the end of class. You should play around with the program if possible. You can't hurt anything, just don't save your results in the same file as you start with (use the "Save as..." command).

The file should run on both PCs and Macs running the latest version of Mathematica. I only have it available and tested for Macintoshes running Mathematica 2.2.

I have added the Mathematica file called "Planes&TopoInClass.m" to two places from where you should not have problems running it. It is on the Performa PowerPC called Schist in the Geology Teaching Computer lab (H461). It is the Performa that is further away from the door as you enter the room. The other place I have put the file is on the Macintosh "Instructor Volumes:GLG310" from where we got the traction demos in lecture today. See the handout from Tuesday, February 6 about how to connect. It should run on IT Macintoshes in the Computing Commons if you also can be sure that Mathematica is on a disk that is connected to the Mac.

Once you get to the place where you can see the file, double click on it, and then follow the instructions in the file. Good luck!

Page maintained by
Prof. Ramón Arrowsmith

Page last modified on Thu Feb 8 16:06:37 MST 1996.