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Aviral Shrivastava

Associate Professor
School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering
Arizona State University

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203-15 Centerpoint,
660 South Mill Avenue,
Tempe, AZ 85281
Phone, Fax: (480) 727-6509
Email: Aviral DOT Shrivastava AT asu DOT edu
bio, vitae, statement.

Home Publications Teaching Service Lab



I work in the systems area of computer science and engineering. My research interests lie at the hardware-software interface. In particular, I am keenly interested in investigating compilers and architectures for: More details about these research topics is on my lab research page.


I regularly teach the following courses at ASU:

Here are my answers to some of the interesting questions from students.

In addition, I teach professional courses on Low Power Computing and Multicore Computing in universities (for Masters and Ph.D. level students), and industry. With power and parallelism now in the front and center of any system design, this is course seeks to train the workforce in the fundamentals, challenges, basic and some advanced solutions. To see if your students or employees need this course, please see the course contents here.

Note to new Students

If you are a student at ASU, and some of the topics that I work on engage you, the way to get into my team starts by doing well in one of my classes. If you are a prospective student, please go through my inquiry page to see if there is some challenge that particularly strikes you, and you would like to take on. I am not taking any students for summer internships, so please do not enquire. Mails about internship will not be answered.