Arizona State University

Department of Exercise Science and Physical Education


                                                9:15-10:30 (SL# 03470) and 10:40-11:55 (SL# 74739) PEBE 211
II.    Instructor Information:
         A.  Instructor:   Dr. Jennifer L. Etnier
         B.  Office Location:  PE Building West 205
         C.  Office Hours:  TTH 1:00-3:00 or (preferably) by appointment
         D. Office Phone:  965-7042
         E. Fax Number:   965-2569
         F. E-mail:

III.    Prerequisites: BIO 201; PGS 101

IV.   Catalog Description: Interrelationships between physical activity and psychosocial variables, including              socialization, cultural values, aggression, and motivation.  Includes the psychological benefits of physical activity and exercise adherence.

 V.    Objectives: The objectives of this course are for the student to become familiar with much of the knowledge contained in the academic sub-disciplines of sociology of sport, sport psychology, and exercise psychology.

VI.    Reading Materials: Textbook for Psycho-Social Aspects of Physical Activity. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

VII.   Assignments:
            A.  Readings (see schedule)
            B.  Project (see syllabus and schedule)

VIII.    Evaluation Procedures:

        A.  Exams (65%)

            1. There are three exams which will focus on sport sociology, sport psychology, and exercise psychology respectively.  Each exam is worth 20 percent of your total grade. In addition, a cumulative essay question drawing on all aspects of the course will be posed during the Final Examination and will be worth 5 percentage points.
            2.   Exams will be Multiple Choice and Essay in format.
            3.   Missed exams cannot be made up (zero points) without arranging this with the instructor within one week of the start of the 5-week session or having a properly documented excuse (e.g., physician’s excuse).
            4.   Opportunity for exam review is provided during class time. Exams may also be reviewed in the instructor's office within two weeks of the date on which the exam was given. After this review period, students may no longer contest the grade on that particular exam. Exams may not be taken from the classroom.

        B.  Class Project (25%)
                You are required to write one paper (worth 20% points) for this class which is due on November 14.  Students will commit to a topic and provide an outline (worth 5% points) by October 12.  The topic may cover any area of sport sociology, sport psychology, or exercise psychology.  Please see the additional handouts (General Outline Directions, Outline Sample, General Paper Directions, Sample Paper, Using the APA Style) for more information (these are available on the web at: ).

        C.  Quizzes (6%)
                At the commencement of announced class periods, students will answer one-two questions directly related to the assigned reading for that class period. Each quiz will begin promptly at the start of the class period.  If students arrive late for class but before the time limit has expired, they may use the remaining time to answer.  If students arrive after the time limit has expired, they will not be allowed to take the quiz nor to make it up at a later time.  If students miss a class in which a quiz is given, they will not be allowed to make up that quiz.

        D.  Class Participation (2%) & Attendance (2%)
                Students are expected to attend and participate in class discussions.  Attendance will be taken and unexcused absences will impact negatively the student’s class participation and attendance grade. If at all possible, absences should be cleared with the instructor ahead of time.  Students are permitted two unexcused absences without penalty.

        E. Extra Credit (2%)
            Students can earn up to 2 points in extra credit. There are three ways in which a student can earn this extra credit:

            1) Serving as a research assistant.  This must involve a time commitment of ?6 hours.

            2) Participating in a sport or exercise psychology research which is approved by the instructor.  You may fulfill this requirement for extra credit in one of three ways relative to the amount of time your participation requires.

                a) If you participate in more than one study, then you must simply provide written evidence (a signed piece of paper from the experimenter) which details the titles of the studies and your time commitment for each.
                b) If you participate in a single study that takes ?6 hours of your time, then you must simply provide written evidence (a signed piece of paper from the experimenter) which details the study title and your time commitment.
                c) If you participate in a single study that takes <6 hours of your time, you must meet with the researcher and find out the study hypotheses, design, methodology, and expected results.  You must then prepare a one-page, type-written paper describing the study and evaluating the practical and theoretical importance of the study to the field of sport psychology.

          3) Writing a review of literature in an area germane to the course and which has been approved by the instructor.

Other Class Expectations

        1.   The instructor should be notified in advance if you plan to be absent, tardy, or have to leave the class early.  Coming late to class or leaving early will also adversely affect the class participation grade.

        2.   It is the student’s responsibility to get all missed material, announcements, and assignments.  Although the instructor will provide the student with any handouts, the student will have to consult other students for class discussion notes.

        3.   Consistent with ASU policy, cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated.  Students who cheat or plagiarize will be instantly reported to the Office of Student Conduct.

        E.  Grading Scale 90-100%     =    A
                                      80-89.9%    =  B
                                      70-79.9%    =  C
                                      60-69.9%    =  D
                                      Below 60% =   E

Note: 89.9% and 59.9% are B and E grades, respectively

Class Outline and Schedule

Date     Topic                                                            Reading Assignm’t (due by)

8/22     Overview of Course
8/24     A Sociological Perspective of Sport                   Sage Chapter 1
8/29     Social Images of Sport                                      Sage Chapter 2
8/31     Social Class and Sport                                      Sage Chapter 3
9/5       Gender Inequality in Sport I                               Sage Chapter 4
9/7       Gender Inequality in Sport II
9/12     Race Inequality in Sport I                                  Sage Chapter 5
9/14     Race Inequality in Sport II
9/19     Intercollegiate Sport                                          Sage Chapter 10
9/21     Intercollegiate Sport/Review
9/26     Exam #1

9/28     Welcome to Sport and Exercise Psychology     W&G Chapter 1
10/3     Motivation                                                        W&G Chapter 3
10/5     Motivation
10/10   Aggression                                                        W&G Chapter 23
10/12   Aggression
            OUTLINE DUE
10/17   Group and Team Dynamics                               W&G Chapter 7
10/19   Group and Team Dynamics
10/24   Group Cohesion                                                W&G Chapter 8
10/26   Group Cohesion and Review
10/31   Exam #2

11/2     Exercise and Psychological Well-Being              W&G Chapter 17
11/7     Exercise and Psychological Well-Being
11/9     Exercise Behavior and Adherence                      W&G Chapter 18
11/14   Exercise Behavior and Adherence
            PAPER DUE (NOT OPTIONAL ? )
11/16   Addictive and Unhealthy Behaviors                    W&G Chap 20 pp. 414-420
11/21   Addictive and Unhealthy Behaviors                    W&G Chap 20 pp. 420-431
11/28   Burnout and Overtraining                                   W&G Chapter 21
11/30   Burnout and Overtraining
12/5     Review/Class Evaluations
12/14   EXAM #3
 SL# 03470 9:15-10:30 Class  Thursday December 7  7:40-9:30
 SL# 74739 10:40-11:55 Class  Friday December 8  10:00-11:50