My research interests include writing assessment; the impact of assessment on curriculum development, outcomes, and pedagogy; electronic portfolios; and information literacy. In my dissertation, "Outcomes and Assessment for an Undergraduate Technical Communication Program," I researced our understanding of the constructs incorporated into programmatic learning outcomes for undergraduate technical communication programs.  My research sought to answer how the constructs are addressed and demonstrated by students as outcomes for assessment. Further, I identified a framework to begin to contextualize the constructs of information literacy (IL) and technology as technical communication learning outcomes.

Recent Publications and Presentations

Book Chapters

D'Angelo, Barbara.J. (2013) Understanding the relationship between good research and good writing. In: Successful Strategies for Teaching Undergraduate Student Research. M. Deyrup & E. Bloom, eds. Rowman and Littlefield. pp. 13-24.

D’Angelo, Barbara J. and Maid, Barry M. (2013) “ePorts: Making the passage from academics to workplace” In: ePortfolio Performance Support Systems:  Constructing, Presenting, and Assessing Portfolios in Public Workplaces. R. Rice and K. Willis, eds. Fort Collines, CO: Parlor Press

Maid, Barry M. and D’Angelo, Barbara J. (2013) Why do we bother to teach research: Our students can find everything online” In: The New Digital Scholar: Exploring and Enriching the Research and Writing Practices of NexGen Students. J. Purdy and R. McClure, eds. American Association of Information Science and Technology. pp. 295-312.

Maid, Barry M. and D’Angelo, Barbara J. (2013) What do you do when the ground beneath your feet shifts? In: Online Education 2.0: Evolving, Adapting and Reinventing Online Technical Communication. Kelli Cargile-Cook & Keith Grant-Davies, eds. Amityville, NY: Baywood Press, 11-23.

Maid, Barry M. and D’Angelo, Barbara J. (2012) Is rhetorical knowledge the uber outcome? In: The WPA Outcomes Statement: A Decade Later. D. Roen, D. Holstein, N. Behm, and G. Glau, eds. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 257-270

Maid, Barry M. and D’Angelo, Barbara J. (2012) “The WPA outcomes, information literacy, and challenges of outcomes-based curricular design” In: Teaching and Assessing Writing: A Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Celebration. Norbert Elliot & Les Perelman, eds. Hampton Press, pg. 99-112.

D'Angelo, Barbara J. and Maid, Barry M. (2009) Assessing outcomes in a technical communication capstone In: Handbook of Research on Assessment Technologies, Methods, and Applications in Higher Education. Christopher Schreiner, ed. Hershey, PA: IGI Gobal, pgs. 152-166.


Stevens, C.J.; D’Angelo, B.; Rennell, N.; Muzyka, D.; Pannabecker, V. & Maid B. (2014) Cultivating writing skills in online RN-BSN students: An innovative approach. Nurse Educator. 39(1):17-21.

D'Angelo, Barbara J. (2012) Beyond academics: Reconceptualizing information literacy for workplace relevance. Library Trends 60(3):636-649.

D’Angelo, Barbara J. (2010) Social media community management: Implications for the business communication curriculum. Proceedings of the Association for Business Communication Annual Convention.

D'Angelo, Barbara J. (November 2009) Using Portfolio Assessment to Discover Student Learning Proceedings of the 74th Annual Convention of the Associatioon for Business Communication.


D’Angelo, B.J. (2013) Developing workplace information literacy in a professional writing course. Association for Business Communication Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. (poster)

D'Angelo, Barbara J. and Maid, Barry M. (2013) Writing process: A three-dimensional model for an applied writing class. Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV (poster).

D'Angelo, Barbara J. (2012) Hallmarks of professionalism: A writing course for nursing majors. Association for Business Communication Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI.

D’Angelo, Barbara J. (2012) Working collaboratively to develop writing skills for nurses. International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference 2012, Savannah, GA.

D’Angelo, Barbara J. (2012) The WPA Outcomes Statement, information literacy: Mediating information. Panel session on Communicating in Digital Environments – Implications for the WPA Outcomes Statement. Conference on College Composition and Communication. St.Louis, MO.

D’Angelo, Barbara J. (March 2010) Them vs. Us? Or Them and Us?  Disciplinary Differences in Portfolio Scoring. Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Annual Conference, Louisville, KY. (Poster)

D'Angelo, Barbara J. (November 2009) "Using Portfolio Assessment to Discover Student Learning" Associatioon for Business Communication Annual Convention, Portsmouth, VA.

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