U East

Intellectual Property and Copyright in the Electronic Age
Technical Communication Program
Fall 2010 Syllabus

Barbara J. D'Angelo, Ph.D.
Technical Communication Program
Santa Catalina Hall, 251B
Phone: 480-382-0688
Email: bdangelo@asu.edu
IM: Meebo: http://www.public.asu.edu/~bdangelo/; Yahoo: barb_dangelo; Google: bdangelo907

Course Description and Outcomes

This course will explore intellectual property and copyright, their history and origin, the laws created to protect them, and their impact. Although current trends and issues in copyright may be the most interesting topic to some of you, it is my belief that you cannot have a real or solid understanding of the issues without first understanding the history of copyright and how it works in the traditional print world. Current laws have evolved directly out of print copyright law and attempt to apply the principles of IP and copyright to electronic information. Without understanding the original intent and principles of copyright, perceptions of and interpretation of newer laws will be flawed and potentially misleading. It is also important to understand that copyright is just one aspect of intellectual property: licensing, patents, trademarks are all part of the intellectual property system. And while our focus may be on the United States, it is important to remember that intellectual property is viewed and governed very differently in other parts of the world. IP and copyright are inevitably linked to social and cultural perceptions about the ownership and sharing of information and about changing perspectives about the economic value of information. In the context of this course I am using the word information very broadly to include text (print and electronic), audio, video, images, etc.


Outcomes articulate the skills, abilities, and knowledge that students learn in the TC Program. If you are a TC major, you will present examples of your work from the courses you have taken in your capstone portfolio to demonstrate your learning. As you are taking courses, an understanding of the outcomes will help you in two ways: 1) it will help you understand how the various courses tie together and integrate work and experiences as part of a larger context and 2) it will help you to identify and select coursework that meets specific outcomes. In this course, the outcomes that are specifically addressed include:

Rhetorical Knowledge:

R1: Understand the role of a variety of technologies/media in accessing, retrieving, and communicating information

Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing

CRW1: Use information, writing, and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating
CRW2: Understand the relationships among language, knowledge, and power including social, cultural, historical, and economic issues related to information, writing, and technology

CRW3: Recognize, understand, and analyze the context within which language, information, and knowledge are produced, managed,
organized, and disseminated

CRW4: Integrate previously held beliefs, assumptions, and knowledge with new information and the ideas of others to accomplish a specific purpose within a context

Knowledge of Conventions

KC1: Learn and apply appropriate standards, laws, policies, and accepted practices for the use of a variety of technologies

KC2: Apply appropriate means of documenting their work

KC3: Understand and apply legal and ethical uses of information and technology including copyright and intellectual property

To meet these outcomes, on completion of this course, students will be able to:

Texts and Required Readings

Burgunder, Lee (2011) Legal Aspects of Managing Technology, 5th edition. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Additional readings will be posted in Blackboard.

Course Evaluation

+/- grades will not be used in this course

All assignments are to be completed on time; late assignments will not be accepted except for documented emergencies.

Graduate Students: Students registered for graduate credit (TWC551) will complete an additional assignment.

See the course schedule posted in Blackboard for due dates. This is a content-heavy course with a significant amount of difficult reading and class discussion.



Confirmation email

5 pts

Discussion board participation (15 @2 pts each)

30 pts

Group project 80 pts



104 - 115 pts


92 - 103 pts


81 - 91 pts


69 - 80 pts


0 - 68 pts


Graduate Students (TWC551):



Confirmation email

5 pts

Discussion board participation

30 pts

Group project

80 pts

Graduate assignment

60 pts



158 - 175 pts


140 - 157 pts


123 - 139 pts


105 - 122 pts


0 - 104 pts


Course Requirements and Policies


Students enrolled in TC courses are required to use an ASU email account for all course-related email communication.

See the ASU Email help page for information on how to set up your ASU account and policy information.

Academic Integrity

As a student in this course you are expected to complete your own work and to write your own assignments. The use of all sources should be properly cited and documented.

You are responsible for reading and understanding your rights, responsibilities and obligations under ASU's Student Academic Integrity Policy (http://provost.asu.edu/academicintegrity).

If you have any questions about how or when to cite sources in your assignments, please contact me or consult with a tutor in the ASU Student Success Center.

Students with Special Needs

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal antidiscrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. One element of this legislation requires that all qualified students with documented disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation please contact the Disability Resource Center at ASU Polytechnic located in Student Affairs Quad # 4 or call 480-727-1039 / TTY: 480-727-1009.  Eligibility and documentation policies online: http://www.asu.edu/studentaffairs/ed/drc.

Last modified: 15 August 2010