TWC494/598 What Is Research in Technical Communication?
Spring 2007


Babara J. D'Angelo
Lecturer, Multimedia Writing & Technical Communication
Sutton Hall, Room 301 P
(480) 727-1160
Yahoo IM: barb_dangelo

Office Hours:

Monday, 1:00 - 3:00pm
Thursday, 9:00 - 11:00am
or by appointment





Course Description

The course focuses on the design, practice, and presentation of research for technical communicators.  We will explore research methods appropriate for technical and professional communication with an emphasis on research that is done on the job and in the workplace.  Research practices we explore may include usability testing, contextual inquiry, survey or questionnaires, case studies, interviews, or others depending on the interests of the class.  Each student will conduct a research project based on his/her interests and specific career path.  The class is designed to allow students to focus on the research practices that are most useful to them in their job or career while also learning generic principles for designing a research project, collecting data and information, and reporting/presenting results.


Outcomes articulate the skills, abilities, and knowledge that students learn in the MWTC Program. In your capstone portfolio you will present examples of your work from the courses you have taken to demonstrate your learning based on these outcomes. As you are taking courses, an understanding of the outcomes will help you in two ways: 1) it will help you understand how the various courses tie together and integrate work and experiences and 2) it will help you think about your own work in each course as part of a larger context. In this course, the outcomes that are specifically addressed include:


Required readings are posted in the Course Documents section of Blackboard. There is an additional list of recommended readings and sources for specific research methods.

Course Evaluation

+/- grades are not used in this course

Assignments and course discussion are designed to evaluate outcomes as they relate to this course. This semester you will work on a research project that is related to your work and career interests. The primary evaluation tools for this course will be a portfolio of documents related to your own project and your contributions to your classmates' projects.


Confirmation email 5 pts
200 pts



185 - 205 pts A
164 - 184 pts B
144 - 163 pts C
123 - 143 pts D
0 - 122 pts E






Confirmation email 5 pts
Portfolio 200 pts
Graduate assignments 30 pts




212 - 235 pts A
188 - 211 pts B
165 - 187 pts C
141 - 164 pts D
0 - 140 pts E





Academic Integrity

As a student in this course you are expected to complete your own work, do your own writing, and to properly cite work of others. Please refer to the Student Academic Integrity Policy regarding students rights, responsibilities and obligations.

Students with Special Needs

If you have a documented disability that may impact on your ability to carry out assigned course work, I encourage you to contact Disability Student Resources (DRS).  Their phone number is (480) 965-1362 (voice) or (480) 965-9000 (TTY).  They can also be accessed on the web at

Last modified: 8 January 2007