My Family Tree

Henry Gertz - Bertha Wiese wedding, 1867 in Iowa

My name is Bill Gertz and I've collecting names over 30 years. My database contains 5,275 names of "Cousin's" of mine. Many of them are "Pioneers and Early Settlers of Scott County Iowa" and also have a database on the:

Decendents of Edward Fitz Randolph

If you are related to the Fitz Randolph's, you will find 25,000 of your relatives, going back to 85 AD, as well as hundreds of Norman, Celtic, and 9th Centuary English ancestors, and links to Charlemagne and beyond. The Fitz Randolph Coat-of-Arms and history is now on-line here.

Be sure to visit Genweb's Scott County Home Page. Lot's of good Scott County resources and records. And the


website will keep you updated on the Family and it's history.
Good Luck, and happy hunting.

Updated Frequently!
Last updated 07/17/2010

search! my GEDCOM Pages!

Download my Gedcoms here! Gertz.ged, Randolph.ged or Wapsi.ged It will unzip to 1.9m for the Gertz Tree and Fitz Randolph gedcom will unzip to 10.3m. Also the Wapsi .ged contains many Scott County, Iowa Relatives.

New! Visit other "Cousin's" pages on the web!
Heidi's Page.
Doris's Brick Wall

My HTML database is generated by GED2HTML from Gene Stark

Genealogy is my Hobby!

You are the person to visit my site.

Send e-mail to Bill Gertz at