ENG 331: American Drama Fall 2004

Instructor: Cajsa C. Baldini

Course Policies | Fall 2004

Books and readings

Most of the readings for this course will be available online. You will need to print the primary texts (dramas) and bring the printout to class for reference. To save paper I recommend you print double-sided. Online readings are linked from the course BlackBoard (“Readings”) and the course website.

The last play of the semester, Anna Deavere Smith, Fires in the Mirror: Crown Heights , Brooklyn and Other Identities (1993), ISBN 082221329X should be bought in hard-copy. Please note that this book is NOT available in the ASU Bookstore. I recommend you buy it online from www.amazon.com or www.barnesandnoble.com . Make sure you order it early in the semester so that you have it by the time we start reading it in class.

Office Hours & Location:

M 10:00-12:00 am or by appointment. Office location: LL 545B.


Students who miss 3 or more class meeting will be dropped one whole letter grade on final grade. Students who miss six or more class meetings cannot pass this course.

Classroom Protocol/Participation:

We will spend much of our class time in discussion and analysis of the works we are reading. Regardless of the class format, you are expected to be prepared, to listen, to contribute, and to participate in an interested and knowledgeable fashion.

Online Participation:

The class will be divided into discussion group forums. Please make sure that you submit your discussion questions/responses in the correct group, as indicated on BlackBoard ( http://myasucourses.asu.edu ). Each student must post at least one response to student questions on BlackBoard each week, and 6 questions/initiating discussion prompts over the course of the semester. Regular attendance and vigorous contributions to class discussions (on and off-line) are part of your grade.


Attendance & Participation
(including quizzes and online participation)
Annotated Bibliography
Midterm exam
Oral presentation
Final Research Paper
Final exam

(Late) Paper/Assignment Submission Policy:

Assignments will be reduced ½ grade for every day they are late. All assignments are due by midnight on the due date. Assignments (annotated bibliography and final paper) may be submitted by email or by uploading to BlackBoard drop-box.

Use MLA Format for citations. The final paper, a critical research paper, should be approximately 10 pages in length. You should use at least three secondary sources for final paper, which should not be difficult given your compilation of an annotated bibliography earlier in the semester. Only one of these sources may be an online source.

You are also given a grade for the quality and frequency of your online responses on Blackboard and on your contributions to class discussion. Attendance at all classes is mandatory. Quizzes are given periodically on the reading. You are also given a grade for the quality and frequency of your online responses on Blackboard and on your contributions to class discussion. Attendance at all classes is mandatory.

Quizzes and Exams:

Reading quizzes will be given frequently, and deal only with the primary readings due that day. The midterm exam will cover all primary and secondary readings, and lecture materials covered up until October 18. The final exam will cover the primary and secondary readings, and lecture materials of the entire course, but will focus on materials covered after October 18.

Academic Honesty:

A student who plagiarizes part or all of a written assignment will receive an E for the assignment and further disciplinary proceedings at the instructor's discretion. Plagiarism occurs when a student claims credit for work s/he has not done personally, and includes submitting assignments produced by another student or writer, or putting sentences or ideas originally expressed by someone else into a paper without noting their source. At the upper division level, you ought to have mastered the ability to properly distinguish in writing between your own and other writers' ideas using quotations, paraphrase, and in-text citation of source materials.

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