Victorian Sensation Literature Fall 2002


Decaying Morals, Vice, Scandal, and Bloody Murder!

Learn about all of this and much more in ENG 329: Victorian Sensation Literature (19th Century British Fiction) this fall. This course will examine the seamier sides of Victorian Literature, and how this booming genre reflected political, sociological, psychological, and esthetical values of the society that produced and devoured it.

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Wait! There is more! This course also includes a 1 credit computing element.

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Desire and loathing


All the tempting novels and penny dreadfuls you ever wanted to read, and now with an academic purpose, nay, even a duty! This course is taught under the sage guidance of Professor Dan Bivona. You can now safely engage those shocking yet alluring texts you always wanted to know more about. Learn more about aspects of Victorian Literature not often taught! Find out more about the instructors here!

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CBaldini | October 16, 2003

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Course description Syllabus WebBoard (discussion) Supplementary Readings and On-line Resources