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Scientific: Celtis pallida (Synonyms: Celtis spinosa var. pallida, Celtis tala var. pallida, Celtis ehrenbergiana, Momisia pallida)
Common: desert hackberry, spiny hackberry, granjeno
Family: Cannabaceae
Origin: Sonoran Desert and grassland regions of south central and southeastern Arizona extending east into Texas and south into Mexico. Found primarily on gravelly and well-drained sandy soils.

Pronounciation: CELL-tis PAL-i-da

Hardiness zones
USDA 7-9

Landscape Use: Background, filler, water conservation, desert restoration, native shrub plantings.

Form & Character: upright to spreading, stiff, scratchy, armed, informal, arid, variably sparse and open depending on water availability.

Growth Habit: Semi-evergreen to evergreen, woody, broadleaf perennial shrub, moderate to slow growth to 5 to 20 feet in height with similar spread, densely branched like elm.

Foliage/Texture: Small, ovate leaves, highly scabrous, young stems zig-zag and have stout thorns; medium fine texture.

Flowers & Fruits:  Flowers and fruit are insignificant; fruits are a small, rounded drupe, yellow to orange when mature, edible and even may be eaten raw.

Seasonal Color: None

Temperature: Tolerant, hardy to 10o to 20oF.

Light: Full sun to partial shade.

Soil: Tolerant, grows well in gravelly well-drained soils.

Watering: Little supplemental water required after establishment. Supplemental water will increase grow rate and subsequent plant size.

Pruning: If properly located and cared for in the landscape, then desert hackberry pruning requirements should be minimal to none unless over irrigated. But sigh, release the 'hort clods' and it will get inevitably and unnecessarily sheared into some desert landscape bowling ball.

Propagation: Cuttings, seed germinate rapidly if sown fresh.

Disease and Pests: None

Additional comments: Desert hackberry is a relatively non-ornamental, medium-sized desert native shrub that is generally used only for desert restoration projects or Sonoran Desert native plantings.