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Scientific: Cereus hildmannianus (Synonyms: Cereus peruvianus, Cereus uruguayanus, Cereus hildmannianus subsp. uruguayensis)
Common: hedge cactus, Andes organ pipe cactus, queen of the night (common names for Cereus cacti are all mixed up)
Family: Cactaceae
Origin: Southeast South America in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina.

Pronounciation: Ser-E-us hild-man-ni-AN-us

Hardiness zones: Sunset 13, 16-17, 21-24
USDA 9 (marginal, protect from cold) to 11

Landscape Use: Strong focal point for xeric landscape themes, container plant, rock garden, large patios.

Form & Character: Upright, tree-like, branched and contorted, convoluted, dominant.

Growth Habit: Columnar and arborescent perennial succulent, upright and branched to 20-feet tall (specific variants can grow to 50-feet tall).

Foliage/Texture: Stems grayish to glaucous, young stems glauous blue, ribs mostly 12, mostly spineless or with short spines; very coarse texture.

Flowers & Fruits: Large, white flowers to 6-inches across, somewhat fragrant, tube short often ridged, stigma often exerted before flower opens; fruits yellow to flushed red, globose and rounded like a small apple to 2.5 inches in diameter.

Seasonal Color: Wonderful flower display in late spring or early fall (especially if monsoon rains are ample). Flowers open at night and remain open throughout most of the next day.

Temperature: Tolerant to 20oF.

Light: Full sun, shade intolerant.

Soil: Well drained mineral soil is best.

Watering: Water only occasionally if at all.

Pruning: None, except to control width by occasionally thinning out awkward or crossing branches.

Propagation: From softwood stem cuttings allow cut surface to callous over before planting directly into soil.

Disease and Pests: Susceptible to root rot in damp poorly drained soils.

Additional comments: With age, this arborescent cactus become very large occupying significant physical and visual space. The form 'Monstrosus' is freaky cool and can become quite large over time. The montrosus form of hedge cactus is often confused with another arborescent cactus, Pachycereus schottii form Monstrosus (totem pole cactus).