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Scientific: Chrysanthemum indicum
Common: garden mum
Family: Asteraceae
Origin: Eastern China, Central and Southern Japan

Pronounciation: Cra-SAN-the-mum IN-di-cum

Hardiness zones
All zones as annual, 4-24 as perennial
USDA All zones as annual, 7-12 as perennial

Landscape Use: Flowering plant for fall accent in mesic gardens borders, large bedding plant, container plant, raised planters, floral gift plant, cut flowers.

Form & Character: Formal, rounded, festive, pure, bright and cheery, nostalgic.

Growth Habit: Evergreen, herbaceous perennial subshrub grown as a fall annual, moderate growth rate to 2-feet tall with equal spread except when stems bolt to 4 feet to produce flowers.

Foliage/Texture: Medium-green, rounded foliage with a distinct apical tip, ovate; medium texture.

Flowers & Fruits: An abundance of perfect scented hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) flowers on single stalks, available many warm colors, fruit inconspicuous.

Seasonal Color: Intense colorful floral display during the fall.

Temperature: Intolerant of Phoenix summer and early fall heat.

Light: Partial sun best in Phoenix. In the desert, absolutely avoid placement in blazing western exposures. Sites with eastern exposures are best.

Soil: Garden mums perform best in Phoenix soils that have been amended with composted organic matter.

Watering: Garden mums grow well in evenly moist soils, irrigate as needed to maintain a moist soil.

Pruning: Remove spent flower stalks after flowers senesce.

Propagation: Softwood cutting

Disease and Pests: Slugs

Additional comments: Garden mums provide a brief but intense splash of color in Phoenix landscapes during late October through November and as such are best treated as a fall and early winter bedding plant. Outplant nursery grown stock in early October when daily maximum air temperatures fall below 100oF. Garden mums are 'short day plants' that require the shortening of day lengths to flower (naturally occurring during late summer and fall). Like its close relative Shasta daisy, garden mums perform well in Flagstaff and Prescott gardens during summer and fall months but are picky about planting site and exposure in Phoenix. Are you a garden mum lover? Then you should consider joining the National Chrysanthemum Society.

Ethnobotanical and medicinal uses: Garden mums have an amazing ethobotanical history such as being made the national flower of Japan in the year 910. Garden mums have long been used in China for medicinal purposes and has promise in treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.