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Scientific: Ilex vomitoria
Common: yaupon, American holly
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Origin: Native to alkaline soils in the southeastern Unites States west into Texas.

Pronounciation: EYE-lex vom-i-TOR-ee-a

Hardiness zones
3-9, 11-24
USDA 7-11

Landscape Use: Dwarf cultivars make wonderful small formal hedges or edging shrubs when planted in mass.

Form & Character: Yaupon is a vigorously and stiffly upright shrub to small tree in the wilds of the southeastern United States. In contrast, the landscape serviceable dwarf cultivars in Phoenix are naturally rounded, prostrate, dense, formal, stiff, and brittle.

Growth Habit: Evergreen, woody perennial shrub or small tree, ranging in heights from a prostrate 18-inches to an upright 20-feet tall (depending on cultivated selection) with mostly a greater spread.

Foliage/Texture: Small, serrate to crenate, sessile, small gray green leaves on gray twiggy stems, turning slightly purple in coldest winter areas; fine texture.

Flowers & Fruits: Small, white axillary flowers in spring followed by small round bright red fruit. Dwarf cultivars are prone to grow fewer flowers.

Seasonal Color: White spring flowers, red fall to winter berries, less on dwarf cultivars.

Temperature: Tolerant

Light: Full sun

Soil: Yaupon does surprisingly well in alkaline soils.

Watering: Tolerates some drought, but will need regular supplemental water during the summer months.

Pruning: Generally no pruning is necessary except to infrequently lightly shear to shape.

Propagation: Stem cuttings

Disease and Pests: None

Additional comments: In the alkaline soils of Phoenix yaupon in my opinion is the best plant for low-growing, formal to informal hedges in formal or structured landscapes, even better than Japanese boxwood. Dwarf cultivars of this plant deserve more attention in the Phoenix area to stave off the widespread malpractice by the 'Horticultural clods of Phoenix' (aka 'Hort clods') of frequently shearing every landscape shrub that grows!!......Oh, but then what would they do?

Dwarf cultivars include:

Ethnobotanical use: Yaupon was used by native Americans to make a bitter herbal tea that was once used to induce vomiting.