Sample Questions types for Test1 (28th October 2004):


1. You may be given a domain description in the language A and asked to construct its models; or asked if it entails a query.

2. You need to understand NP-completeness and at least the proofs that you did for home work and that were discussed in the class.

3. You should be able to translate a domain description in the language A, to a propositional theory for reasoning and planning.


4. You may be given a domain description in the language AR, a state (s) and an action (a) and asked to determine the state reached by executing action `a' in state `s'.

5. Similar to 4, but with static causal laws.

6. You may be given a domain description in the language A plus observations and asked to construct its models; or asked if it entails a query.

7. Questions about your understanding of agents.

Set 4

8. You may be given a trajectory and temporal formula (in LTL, MITL, CTL*) and asked if the formula is satisfied by the trajectory.

9. You may be given a goal in English and asked to write it in a temporal logic (LTL, MITL, CTL*)

Some ideas on the kind of questions I might ask for Test2 (7th December 2004):

0. Need to cover all the material in the slides set3-1.pdf, set6-v2.pdf, set7-1.pdf and maintainability.ppt.

1. Define the transition between c-states due to sensing and non-sensing actions.

2. Evaluate whether a conditional program achieves certain goal or not.

3. Give the intuitive meaning of a given Golog program.

4. Give the off-line trace of a given Golog program.

5. Given a domain and observation in the language of narrative (L) find if a certain query is true or not. Find its models.

6. Define maintainability.

7. Give the encoding that leads to algorithm for finding if a system is k-maintainable or not.