Selected Publications and Manuscripts
of Chitta Baral
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Reasoning About Actions, Planning and Robot Control: Bridging the Gap

-- Relating logic programming theories of actions and partial order planning Baral, C. In Annals of Math and AI, vol. 21 (1997) Nos 2-4.

-- Relating theories of actions and reactive control Baral, C. and Son, T.(Submitted for publication) Two smaller versions appear in AAAI 96 workshop on reasoning about actions, planning and robot control: bridgining the gap and the AAAI 97 workshop on Robot, Softbots and Immobots.

-- From theory to practice: the UTEP robot in AAAI 96 and 97 robot contests. In proceedings of the second international conference on automated agents (Agents 98), 32-38. * Abstract.

Applications of theories of actions to production systems and active databse systems.
-- Characterizing production systems using logic programming and situation calculus Baral, C. and Lobo, J. (manuscript; comments welcome)

-- Formalizing Active Databases. Baral, C. and Lobo, J. In LIDS (Logic in Databases) 96.

-- Formal characterization of active databases -- II. Baral, C. and Lobo, J. In proceedings of international conference on deductive and object-oriented database systems (DOOD), 1997.

Databases (active, multi-media, incomplete, etc.) and Workflow Systems.
-- Formalizing workflows as cooperative agents Baral, C. and Lobo, J. In DYNAMICS 97 (a workshop in ILPS 97).

-- Issues in Querying Multi-media Databases Baral, C. and Gonzalez, G. and Son, T. In 2nd international workshop on Multi-media information systems, 1996.

-- Conceptual modeling and querying in multi-media databases. Baral, C., Gonzalez, G. and Son, T. In Journal of multi-media tools and applications, 7, 37-66 (1998).

-- A multimdeia display extension to SQL: Language Design and Architecture (postscript file 4.2 MB) Baral, C., Gonzalez, G. and Reddy, R. In 1998 International Conference in Data Engineering (ICDE 98). Pointers to demos and other papers related to this project.

-- SQL+D: extended display capabilities for multimedia database queries. C. Baral, G. Gonzalez and A. Nandigam. In ACM Multi-media 1998.

-- Formalizing Active Databases. Baral, C. and Lobo, J. In LIDS (Logic in Databases) 96.

-- A language to reason about long duration transactions and their concurrent execution. Baral, C. and Lobo, J.(comments welcome).

-- Expanding queries to incomplete databases by interpolating general logic programs. , C. Baral, O. Kosheleva and M. Gelfond. (A revised version of the paper in Proceedings of International Logic Programming Symposium, Vancouver, 181-198, 1993.) In Journal of Logic Programming, vol 35, 1998, 195-230.

-- Value minimization in nested circumscription C. Baral, A. Gabaldon and A. Provetti. (This paper introduces the notion of minimizing values of functions and terms in circumscription and shows how it can be done using nested abnormality theories.) In AI journal, Sept 1998. The KR 96 version.
Reasoning About Actions
-- Approximate reasoning about actions in presence of sensing and incomplete information Baral, C. and Son, T. In International Logic Programming Symposium (ILPS) 97.

-- Defeasible specification in action theories. Baral, C. and Lobo, J. In IJCAI 97.

-- Temporal logic and reasoning about actions. Mendez, G., Llopis, J., Lobo, J. and Baral, C. In Common Sense 96.

-- Reasoning about actual and hypothetical occurances of concurrent and non-deterministic actions, Baral, C., Gelfond, M and Watson, R. (This paper builds up on an earlier paper ). It appears in a book titled Theoretical Approaches to Dynamic Worlds and edited by Bertram Fronhofer and Remo Pereschi.)

-- A Systematic Approach to reason with time and situations (Preliminary Report) Baral, C. (This incomplete manuscript tries to reconcile the situation calculus approach and the temporal reasoning approach of reasoning about actions), Comments Welcome.

-- Representing Actions: (Laws, Observation and Hypothesis), C. Baral, M. Gelfond A. Provetti. (This paper suggests an approach to integrate narratives to situation calculus), Discuseed in the AAAI 95 Spring Symposium on extending theories of actions. In Journal of Logic Programming, 1997.

-- Formalizing narratives using nested circumscription C. Baral, A. Gabaldon and A. Provetti. (This paper presents a translation of the previous paper into nested circumscription.) In AAAI96. An extended version submited to a journal.

-- Reasoning about actions: Non-deterministic effects, Constraints, and Qualification , C. Baral. (This paper proposes the language of state specifications to uniformly represent nondeterministic effects, qualifications, and constraints), Discuseed in the AAAI 95 Spring Symposium on extending theories of actions, and in IJCAI 95.

-- Reasoning about Effects of Concurrent Actions, C. Baral, and M. Gelfond. (A thoroughly revised version of an IJCAI 93 paper and appears in Journal of Logic Programming in 1997)

-- Rule based updates on simple knowledge bases , C. Baral. In Journal of Logic Programming, 1997. An extended version of a AAAI 94 (pages 136-141) paper. (This paper suggests a way to translate rule based update specifications to logic programs using situation calculus notation) Original extended manuscript with proofs

Knowledge Representation
-- Logic Programming and Knowledge Representation , C. Baral and M. Gelfond. Journal of Logic Programming, 19,20: 73-148, 1994. (A survey paper describing how to use logic programs to represent knowledge)

-- Expanding queries to incomplete databases by interpolating general logic programs. , C. Baral, O. Kosheleva and M. Gelfond. (A revised version of the paper in Proceedings of International Logic Programming Symposium, Vancouver, 181-198, 1993.) (This paper introduces the concept of removing CWA from a general logic program and gives an algorithm that translates a general logic program to an extended logic program with CWA removed.) To appear in Journal of Logic Programming.

Theory of Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning
-- Duality between Alternative Semantics of Logic Programs and Nonmonotonic Formalisms , C. Baral and V. S. Subrahmanian. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 10:399-420, 1993. (This paper characterizes well-founded semantics of a normal logic program in terms of the Gelfond-Lifschitz operator and uses the idea to define well-founded semantics for default and auto-epistemic theories.)

-- Stable and Extension Class Theory for Logic Programs and Default Logics , C. Baral and V. S. Subrahmanian. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 8: 345-366, 1992. (This paper introduces the concept of stable classes to characterize programs that do not have stable models and extends the idea to default and auto-epistemic theories.)

-- Varying Selection Function to Relate Conditional Logics and Preferential Models , C. Baral, Fundamenta Informaticae, 21-4: 307-320, 1994.

Combining Knowledge Bases
-- Combining Multiple Knowledge Bases , C. Baral, J. Minker and S. Kraus), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, June 1991, volume 3, number 2, pages 208-221.

-- Combining Knowledge Bases Consisting of First Order Theories , C. Baral, S. Kraus, J. Minker and V. S. Subrahmanian. Computational Intelligence, 8, 1, (1992), 45-71.

-- Combining Default Logic Databases , C. Baral, S. Kraus, J. Minker and V. S. Subrahmanian. Internationa Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems, 3,3: 319-348, 1994.

Logic Programming Semantics
-- Generalized Disjunctive Well-founded Semantics for logic programs , C. Baral, J.Lobo and J.Minker. Annals of Math and Artificial Intelligence, 5 (1992) 89-132.

-- Generalized Negation As Failure and Semantics of Normal Disjunctive Logic Programs , C. Baral, Proceedings of International Conference on Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning, St. Petersburg, 1992. Lecture notes in AI- 624, ed: A. Voronkov, 309-319. (This paper introduces the concept of Generalized negation as failure for normal disjunctive logic programs.)

-- Classification of iterative fixpoint semantics for logic programs , C. Baral, Second International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, January 1992.