Table for CAN(2,k,19) for k up to 20000

Locate the k in the first column that is at least as large as the number of factors in which you are interested. Then let N be the number of rows (tests) given in the second column. A CA(N;2,k,19) exists according to a construction in the reference (cryptically) given in the third column. The accompanying graph plots N vertically against log k (base 10).

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Change t: +

Change v: - +
20361orthogonal array
24520orthogonal array
25522fuse symbols
26523fuse symbols
27524fuse symbols
28525projection (Colbourn)
29616fuse symbols
30617fuse symbols
31618fuse symbols
32619projection (Colbourn)
36649group 1-rotational (Meagher-Stevens, Colbourn)
37667group 1-rotational (Meagher-Stevens, Colbourn)
38685group 1-rotational (Meagher-Stevens, Colbourn)
399703CMMSSY 2.3
400721CMMSSY 2.3
479862CMMSSY 2.3
500864CMMSSY 2.3
520865CMMSSY 2.3
540866CMMSSY 2.3
560867CMMSSY 2.2
580958CMMSSY 2.3
600959CMMSSY 2.3
620960CMMSSY 2.3
640961CMMSSY 2.2
719991CMMSSY 2.3
7391009CMMSSY 2.3
7591027CMMSSY 2.3
7841031CMMSSY 2.2
79611045CMMSSY 2.3
79801063CMMSSY 2.3
95571204CMMSSY 2.3
99751206CMMSSY 2.3
103741207CMMSSY 2.3
107731208CMMSSY 2.3
112001209CMMSSY 2.3
115711300CMMSSY 2.3
119701301CMMSSY 2.3
123691302CMMSSY 2.3
128001303CMMSSY 2.3
143451333CMMSSY 2.3
147441351CMMSSY 2.3
151431369CMMSSY 2.3
156801373CMMSSY 2.2
200001387CMMSSY 2.3