H.R. 1111, The Lupus Research and Care Amendments of 1997 Bill

H.R. 1111, The Lupus Research and Care Amendments of 1997 is a bill currently in 105th Congress which would amend the Public Health Service Act to provide research and services with respect to lupus. If the bill is passed it will direct a specific portion of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) budget to lupus research. This money is desperately needed if we are going to find a cure for lupus.

Please write your Congressional Representative to ask for support of H.R. 1111.
Every letter does count!
It is easy to do.

If you would like to read the Bill Text and Summary & Status of the bill, you can find it by searching on the Bill Number (H.R.1111) at the following Internet site:
Thomas Legislative Information on the Internet

If you don't know your Congressional Representative, you can find out here.

Below is an example of a letter that can help you get started.


Dear Representative:

As a resident of your district, I am writing to ask you to support H.R. 1111, The Lupus Research and Care Amendments of 1997. This is a very important bill. Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disorder which causes inflammation of various parts of the body. The disease is difficult to diagnose, difficult to live with, incurable and life threatening. I should know, (I am one of 1.4 million people diagnosed with lupus) or (a close family member or friend is afflicted with lupus). Lupus is the least known of all major diseases. Currently, there is no cure but with increased research and funding comes hope. Hope can come with your support of H.R. 1111. Lives depend upon lupus research and programs. Your support is critical.

Thank you.


Your Name


Thank you, in advance, for taking time in your busy schedule to ask our U.S Congressmen for their support of this bill! -- Cyndee Miller

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Page Last Updated: Sunday, June 28, 1998