Computer Handout #2
SPSS Programming   |  SAS Programming

SPSS Programming

General Info: Writing a program requires commands and subcommands. Any information that begins in the first column is assumed to be a new command. Each additional line must be indented (one space is enough). Subcommands begin with a backslash (/). They can follow on the same line as the command, but for clarity they are usually placed on separate lines (indented, of course). SPSS on UNIX does not require a period at the end of each command but older versions do. You may want to use periods to instill the habit.


title 'your title'.

- The title can be up to 60 characters and is bordered by single quotes 

set width=80.

- Default output has lines 132 characters wide, this reformats for a standard computer screen.

data list list
   /var1 var2.
begin data
10 08
12 10
end data.


- Data in program, free format (separated by spaces)

data list fixed
    /var1 1-2 var2 4-5.
begin data
10 08
12 10
end data.
- Data in program, fixed format (in specific columns)
data list file=filename fixed
/var1 1-2 var2 4-5.
- Data in external text file. filename is the data file you want read in. You can also use list (for free format) instead of fixed.

*comments ignored by spss.

- An asterisk in the first column causes the rest of the line to be ignored by SPSS

SAS Programming

General Info: Writing a program requires commands and subcommands. Each command and subcommand must end with a semi-colon (;). Multiple commands can be entered on the same line (each followed by a semi-colon), but for clarity they are usually placed on separate lines.


title 'your title';

- The title can be up to 60 characters and is bordered by single quotes 

options ls=80 ps=120 nocenter;

options ls=132 ps=55 ovp nocenter;


- ls is linesize (# of characters across), ps is pagesize (# of lines per page), nocenter makes the output left-justified and ovp means overprint lines (allows underlines, etc.)

- Use the first settings for normal output, the second is better for graphics


data tempname;
input var1 var2;
10 08
12 10


- Data in program, free format (separated by spaces). tempname is anything you choose. See the SAS book for more information about datasets.

data tempname;
input var1 1-2 var2 4-5;
10 08
12 10


- Data in program, fixed format (in specific columns)

data tempname;
input var1 var2;
- Data in external text file. filename is the data file you want read in. The example is free format, but you can also specify columns.

*comments ignored by sas;
/*comments ignored by sas*/

- An asterisk causes all text until the next semi-colon to be ignored. A slash and asterisk cause all text to be ignored until the next asterisk and slash. 

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