############################################################################################################################ # In the following examples, we use the BRRugs, an open-source version of the BUGS embedded in R, to illustrate the Bayesian # mediation analysis (Yuan and MacKinnon, 2009). You need to install the package BRugs from the menu "Packages" in R before using it. # Alternatively, the stand-alone software WinBUGS can also be used to conduct the Bayesian mediation analysis. The WinBUGS has # a better user interface and detailed tutorials. It can be downloaded from http://www.mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk/bugs/. ############################################################################################################################ # load BRRugs library(BRugs) set.seed(6) ## Now setting the working directory to where data and BUGS code are located DIR = c("Z:\\paper\\Mediation\\Bayesian\\data_example\\Release\\") setwd(DIR) ######################### Bayesian single-level mediation analysis ######################### # read in the firefighters data provided by Elliot, Goldberg, Kuehl, Moe, Berger and Pickring (2007) # the independent variable x represents the randomized exposure to the intervention # the mediator m is the change from baseline (m1) to followup (m2) in knowledge of the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables # the dependent variable y is the change of the reported eating of fruits and vegetables from baseline (y1) to followup (y2) firefighter = read.table("firefighters.txt", col.name=c("x", "m1", "m2", "y1", "y2")) # generate varaibles for mediation analysis m = firefighter$m2-firefighter$m1 y = firefighter$y2-firefighter$y1 x = firefighter$x # center covariates to improve the convergence of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) x.c = x-mean(x) m.c = m-mean(m) # output data in the BUGS format bugsData(list(y=y, m=m.c, x=x.c, N=length(y)), "simplemed_data.txt") # initialize the parameters for the MCMC and ouput the initial values in the BUGS format bugsData(list(beta3=0, beta=0, tau.prime=0, prec.y=1, beta2=0, alpha=0, prec.m=1), "simplemed_init.txt") # Using the BRugs package in R to do MCMC. Alternatively, the WinBUGS can be used without typing commands modelCheck("simplemed.txt") # check model file modelData("simplemed_data.txt") # read data file modelCompile(numChains=1) # compile model with 1 chain modelInits("simplemed_init.txt") # read init data file # burn in 1000 iterations modelUpdate(1000) # to record posterior samples of parameters of interest samplesSet(c("alpha", "beta", "theta")) # theta=alpha*beta # 10000 more iterations to obtain posteriors modelUpdate(10000) # 10000 more iterations .... # get summary statistics for the parameters of interest samplesStats(c("alpha", "beta", "theta"), beg=1001, end=11000) ######################### Bayesian multilevel mediation analysis ######################### # read in the multilevel data provided by Kenny, Korchmaros and Bolger (2003) # subjid is the subject id, meas is the measure time # x is the independent variable, m is the mediating variable, and y is dependent variable kenny <- read.table("kennydata.txt", col.names=c("subjid","meas", "x", "m","y", "const")) # mediating variable m = matrix(kenny$m, ncol=10, byrow=T) # independent variable x = matrix(kenny$x, ncol=10, byrow=T) # dependent variable y = matrix(kenny$y, ncol=10, byrow=T) # the number of observations for the first- and second-level model N2 = dim(y)[1] N1 = dim(y)[2] # output the data in the BUGS format bugsData(list(y=y, m=m, x=x, N1=N1, N2=N2), "mlmed_data.txt") # initialize the parameters for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) AlphaBeta = matrix(rnorm(2*N2), ncol=2) init = list( Beta2=rnorm(N2), Beta3=rnorm(N2), Tau.p=rnorm(N2), AlphaBeta=AlphaBeta, beta2=1, beta3=1, tau.p=1, alphabeta=c(1, 1), prec.y=1, prec.m=1, sigma.beta2=1, sigma.beta3=1, sigma.taup=1, prec.ab=matrix(rep(10, 4), ncol=2)) # output the initial values in the BUGS format bugsData(init, "mlmed_init.txt") # Using the BRugs package in R to do MCMC. Alternatively, the WinBUGS can be used without typing commands modelCheck("mlmed.txt") # check model file modelData("mlmed_data.txt") # read data file modelCompile(numChains=1) # compile model with 1 chain modelInits("mlmed_init.txt") # read init data file # burn in with 1000 iterations modelUpdate(1000) # list of parameters of interest monitvar = c("ab", "c", "r", "alphabeta", "tau.p", "var.ab", "sigma2.taup") # record posterior samples of the parameters samplesSet(monitvar) # 10000 more iterations to obtain posteriors modelUpdate(10000) # get summary statistics for the parameters of interest samplesStats(monitvar, beg=1001, end=11000)