English 222
Summer I, 1998
Daily, 11-12:30
LL B219 
Dan Bivona
Office: LL B541(NEW!)
Hours:  M,W 1-3 and by appointment
Phone: 5-7748
Email: dbivona@asu.edu

Course Rationale:
222 surveys British literature from the early 19th century through the late 20th century.  While we cannot possibly do an exhaustive job of treating the three major literary genres (we do some justice to the novel and poetry but very little to drama), we will be discussing at least some representative works from each of the major movements and periods.  Because this is a survey course, it makes no pretense to thematic unity.  Rather, some lectures will touch on the broad spectrum of literary, historical, and intellectual issues out of which this literature emerged; others will zoom in on the literary works under discussion for the week. Please keep up with the reading for there will be occasional quizzes.

The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 2, 6th ed. Ed. Abrams et al.
Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. (Oxford UP).
Both of these are now available at the ASU Bookstore.

There are two major requirements comprising 80% of your grade:  a midterm essay exam and 1 critical paper.  The due date for the paper is marked in the syllabus below.  Topics for the critical papers will be distributed in class 2 weeks before the paper is due.  In addition to these, 20% of your final grade will come from your participation during class discussions and from your grades on the quizzes, which will be given randomly and without advance notice.  If you submit a critical paper by June 22, you have the option to rewrite it if you wish. Otherwise, your critical paper is due on the final day of class. Attendance at all classes and active participation in class discussions are absolutely essential to success in this course.  Please take comprehensive notes on your reading and have all reading assignments completed by the day on which they are due to be discussed.
The purpose of this online syllabus is to point you toward Web sites which provide additional information about writers, about writing essays, and about literary theory. You may also email me with questions about paper topics. If you have questions about getting started on a paper, you can help me help you by providing me with a thesis paragraph and asking us to respond to it. General grading guidelines for the critical papers can be found here.
N.B. I expect that your papers will conform to ASU guidelines on academic honesty. That is, I expect that all work is your own except for that which you have explicitly cited on your "Works Cited" page. This means you must cite ideas and words borrowed from online sources as well as from books and articles found in the library. If you have further questions about this policy, see the statement issued by the Women's Studies Program here. It provides a succinct summary of the policy in effect in this class.
If you are interested in a readable introduction to basic theoretical issues, start by taking a look at John Lye's Literary Theory: An Introduction and the Glossary of Literary Theory. For links to sites that offer help with rhetorical terms or with mythological background, see Starting Point for Literary Research. Essays written for this class should conform to the conventions set out in the MLA Format and Citation Guide. You may find it useful to consult a writing handbook. The following three are currently available on the Web: Elements of Style, Online English Grammar, and Able Writer: A Rhetoric and Handbook. You should also make use of a dictionary such as the WWWebster Dictionary.
To start, see ASU's Hayden Library. For useful general sources of information consult the following: Literary Resources Page, Encyclopedia Britannica (ASU only), and Voice of the Shuttle. For online literary texts try these sites: Modern English Collection, The Online Books Page, and Literature Online (Chadwyck-Healey; ASU only). You may also find the British History Timeline a useful source of historical information.

Required readings below can be found in the Norton Anthology, Vol. 2.
 Date Topic Reading
June 1-3 Romanticism: Problems of Origin Wordsworth: "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from the Recollections of Early Childhood" (187), "We Are Seven," (132) "Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey" (136) 

Coleridge: "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (330)

June 4-5 Romanticism: Pain as Pleasure Keats: "Ode on a Grecian Urn" (792), "Ode to a Nightingale" (790), and "Ode on Melancholy" (794)
June 8-10 The Victorian Period 


Tennyson: "In Memoriam" (1084) 

Hardy: "Hap" (1694); Hardy's "The Impercipient" (1694); "Nature's Questioning," "Self-Unconscious"

June 11-12 Aestheticism Swinburne: "Hymn to Proserpine" (1514), "The Garden of Proserpine" (1517), "Ave Atque Vale" (1519) 

Pater: "The Child in the House" (1534), "Conclusion" to The Renaissance (1532)

June 15 

June 16 

June 17 *

No class 


Midterm Exam


C. Rossetti: "Goblin Market" (1479) 

See below.

June 18-19 Decadence Wilde: The Picture of Dorian Gray
June 22-3 




June 24-6 **






Dorian Gray cont. 



Yeats: "Easter, 1916," "The Second Coming," "Sailing to Byzantium," "Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop," "Under Ben Bulben" (1878, 1880, 1883, 1890, 1894)

June 29-30 Modernism Eliot: "Tradition and the Individual Talent" (2170) and "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (2140)
July 1-2 *** Postmodernism Pinter,The Dumb Waiter (2362)
* Date of the Midterm exam. It will be a take-home exam accessible from this Web page starting at 4PM on Tuesday, June 16. The completed exam is due in my mailbox no later than 5PM on Wednesday, June 17. It should be typed. Here is a sample exam from last semester's 222 class.  If you wish to avoid making an extra trip to campus, you may send me the completed exam as an attachment to email.  Send it to:  dbivona@asu.edu.  Do not do this if you have never sent an attachment before and are not sure how to do it.  If you do send the exam as an attachment, it must be sent before the 5PM deadline on June 17.
******Midterm Exam*****
** Due date of the critical paper for those who wish the option to revise.  Topics.
*** Final due date of the critical paper and all revisions.

For Further Information:
Romanticism: Romantic Resources on the Web; John Locke; Michael Gamer's List of Romantic Links; William Wordsworth; Wordsworth Images; Coleridge's Biographia Literaria. Vol. I ; David Hume; Kant's Prolegomena; On the Coleridgean "Imagination," see also "Dejection:  An Ode," "This Lime-tree Bower My Prison and Kubla Khan"; Romantic Chronology; The Romantic Period, 1785-1830; Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Edmund Burke, "A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful" (excerpts); Aristotle, Poetics
Victorianism: The Darwinian Homepage; Evolution; The Tennyson Page; Tennyson and Victorianism; Thomas Hardy; The Thomas Hardy Website; Mary Wollstonecraft, AVindication of the Rights of Woman (Full Text); Victorian Women Writers Project; Victorian Women's History; Victorian Gender and Sexuality; John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women;The Emancipation of Women: 1860 to 1920; Caroline Norton, English Laws for Women [1854]; Plato's Symposium and Phaedrus; Gay History and Literature; John Addington Symonds, "A Problem in Greek Ethics"; Aestheticism and the Decadents; Epicurus; Gilbert and Sullivan's Patience; Oscariana, The Wild Wilde Web; Sex, Scandal and the Novel
Modernism: Modernism; Modernity; Modernism Timeline, 1890-1940; An Index of Websites on Modernism; Yeats Society Sligo Home Page; The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (Hypertext); The Politics of T. S. Eliot (Russell Kirk)
Postmodernism: postmodernism; Postmodernism and drama; What is Postmodernism? (Mary Klages); Postmodern Culture (online journal); Postmodernism (Swirl)

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