
Russian homophonic keyboard for Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 & Windows Vista.

Russian homophonic keyboard for Windows XP/NT.

Russian homophonic keyboards for GNU/Linux, including KDE

Russian homophonic keyboard for OS X

For Android cell phones I like the AnySoftKeyboard with the Russian language pack, which has a good homophonic option. One caveat: do read the warnings about the program when you download.

Other Russian keyboards and fonts that will allow Mac users to type in Russian under OS X. If you learned to type in the US, I advise choosing one of the homophonic/phonetic keyboards. An alternative source of information is here.

Web-based homophonic keyboard that you can use to type Russian when you're at a computer that doesn't have a Russian keyboard.

Another web-based homophonic keyboard courtesy of Paul Gorodyansky

Fast and dirty Cyrillic access when you are away from a computer with a Russian keyboard

Travel in Russia, communications

Reasonably priced student education tours in Russia. (Warning: the background image on the website is so busy it makes an unpleasant impression, but this really IS a great opportunity.)

How to maximize your study abroad experience, resources.

List of reasonably priced phone cards for calling Russia.

Literary works for free

Russian e-books:,,

Full-text searches on various editions of Pushkin's works and letters, along with many volumes of Pushkin scholarship and pushkiniana here

Suggested reading

Russian icons and Orthodox worship

The Meaning of Icons (Leonid Ouspensky, Valdimir Lossky); Timothy Ware's books (good basic intros to Orthodox worship for Westerners); Icons and Saints of the Orthodox Church (Alfredo Tradigo; very detailed analyses of icons); Praying with Icons (Jim Forest; more devotional than academic, but a good introduction). These are suggestions from Michele A. Berdy on SEELANGS Sat, 23 May 2009.

News sources


Новая газета (

Эхо Москвы (

BBC Russian language service

Under the thumb of the Russian government

Правда (

Известия (


Google news in Russian

Russian TV

Watch Russian TV on your computer

Russian image sources

Wonderful discussion of sources of Russian photos and images

Many Stalin images

Collations of Russian links

Elina Yuffa's excellent collection kindly hosted by the Russian and Slavic Department of Hunter Collge

Collection of links that I have yet to explore

Jim Becker's links that I have yet to explore

On-line dictionaries

Quick and dirty look-up | ABBYY Lingvo | Wiktionary

Russian Wiktionary has an on-screen translation tool that lets you look at a Russian website, click on words, and have the target words pop up in translation. You can read a review on Edie Furniss's blog.

In depth

Many standard online Russian→Russian dictionaries, including Ожегов, Даль, Ушаков, and some encyclopedias

Large collection of Russian→Russian dictionaries, including thieves' language

Huge collection of Russian→Russian dictionaries, including some technical ones

Russian morphological dictionary online, containing the data from Zaliznyak's Грамматический словарь русского языка and vastly supplemented.

Multiple free language glossaries including Russian↔English

Illustrated dictionary of Russian idioms

Style guides is my favorite quick and dirty site for questions on Russian stylistics. It also provides access to a series of standard dictionaries.

Rozental's Russian language handbook («Справочник по правописанию, произношению, литературному редактированию» by Розенталь Д.Э., Джанджакова Е.В., Кабанова Н.П. Издание второе, исправленное. М.: ЧеРо, 1999.)

Graduate programs

Russian language/literature and Slavic linguistics graduate programs at various universities

Russian handwriting practice and review

Russian alphabet quick reference

Wonderful animations showing how to draw Russian letters

Russian cursive letter by letter, with practice sheets (pdf):

Russian alphabet for self study with English explanations (tiff)

Study references

Spelling rules

Don's Russian grammar notes

US States and capitals in Russian

Map of Moscow

Map showing the distribution of Slavic languages

Free on-line web-based exercise that cover the 2000 most commonly used Russian words

Enormous free flashcard site that lets you study Russian, other foreign languages, and other subjects. I've noticed that there are occasional errors and formatting peculiarities that vary from vocabulary set to vocabulary set.

Russian Wikipedia

The history of Cyrillic character encodings

Online interactive Russian reference grammar

Beginning Russian grammar notes at Cornell. You'll have to download one of the Cornell fonts, though, for the accents to display correctly. You'll find the reference at the bottom of the first page on the website.