
Indirect object

The primary use of the dative case is to express the indirect object of a verb. Notice particularly that the following verbs are often used with both a direct object (accusative) and an indirect object (dative): писать/написать, читать/прочитать, готовить/приготовить, делать/сделать, покупать/купить.

Миша написал Тане письмо. Mike wrote Tanya a letter.
Мама читала сыну книгу. The mother read her son a book.
Мы приготовили маме и папе обед. We made Mom and Dad lunch.
Папа сделал сыну машинку из дерева. The father made his son a little car out of wood.
Я купил сестре компьютер. I bought my sister a computer.
Мой брат сказал мне пошлый анекдот. The brother told me a vulgar joke.

Target of communication

Many verbs of communication will use the dative case to express the person to whom the information is directed. Notice particularly that these verbs use a dative object: звонить/позвонить, отчветчать/ответить, говорить/сказать, рассказывать/рассказать.

Таня позвонила Мише. Tanya called Misha.
Шофёр ответил милиционеру. The driver answered the policeman.
Я сказал брату, что в холодильнике молоко. I told my brother that there was milk in the refrigerator.

Certain verbs

Some verbs take a dative object (which is not a direct object). These just have to be memorized.

Кевин помогает Ване учиться. Kevin is helping Johnny study.
Милиционер помог Кевину. The policeman helped Kevin.

The most interesting verb used with the dative is нравиться, which literally means “to be pleasing,” although we usually translate it into English as “to like.”

Кевину нравится Оля. Kevin likes Olya.
Оле понравился фильм. Olya liked the movie.

You may see a larger list of dativer verbs here


Several prepositions take the dative case, including к “to someone's place,” and по “on the subject of”:

Вчера мы ездили к Оле. Yesterday we went to Olya's place.
Папа часто ходит к врачу. Papa often goes to the doctor.
Я купил учебник по физике. I bought a physics textbook.