
The prepositional case has only one use: it appears after certain prepositions. It never appears without a preposition. Specifically it used to indicated:


The prepositional case is used after the prepositions в, and на when they indicate location:

Молоко в холодильнике. The milk is in the refrigerator.
Книга на столе. The book is on the table.

Musical instrument

The prepositional case is used after the preposition на in combination with the verb играть when it indicates the musical instrument you play:

Высоцкий играл на гитаре. Vysotski played the guitar.
Я слушал, как буддистский монах играл на флейте. I listened to a Buddhist monk playing the flute.

Month during which

The prepositional case is used after the preposition в when indicating the month in which something happened:

Я родился в июле. I was born in July.
Мы были в Москве в декабре. We were in Moscow in December.

Year during which

The prepositional case is used after the preposition в when indicating the year in which something happened:

Я родился в тысяча девятьсот восемьдесят девятом году. I was born in 1989.
Мы были в Москве в две тысячи четвёртом году. We were in Moscow in 2004.

Note that году is an irregular preposition form used only when indicating the year in which something happened.


The prepositional case is used after the preposition о/об/обо when indicating the subject of an article, discussion, comment, book, etc.

Мы поговорили о новых студентах. We chatted about the new students.
Я прочитал статью об Америке. I read an article about America.
Мы поговорили о том годе, который я провёл в России. We talked about the year that I spent in Russia.