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Time: from when to when

When dealing with times on the clock, "from" and "to" are expressed by the prepositions "с" and "до" respectively, followed by the genitive case. This applies to time both by the 12 hour clock and the 24 hour clock, the words полночь and полдень, and the most common divisions of the day, including утро, день, вечер and ночь.

Я работаю с восьми утра до пяти вечера. I work from eight to five.
С восемнадцати часов до ноля -- take out the nolja chasov -- часов не будет горячей воды. There won't be any hot water from 6:00 p.m. to midnight.
С полуночи до зари будем спать. We will sleep from midnight till dawn.
С шести утра до полудня мы косили сено. We mowed hay from six a.m. to noon.
С двух до трёх бывает обеденный перерыв. From two to three there is usually a lunch break.
Я устал работать с утра до вечера. I'm tired of working from morning to evening.

Minutes can be added without changing these constructions.

12 hour clock: Электричество будет отключено с одной минуты первого до семи минут третьего. Electrical power will be interrupted from 12:01 to 2:07.
24 hour clock: Электричества будет отключено с ноля часов одной минуты до трёх часов семи минут. Electrical power will be interrupted from 12:01 to 3:07.

Likewise times from a quarter past the hour to half past can also be incorporated into this construction.

Подача электричества будет перебита с половины первого до половины третьего. Electrical power will be interrupted from 12:30 to 2:30.
Подача электричества будет prervana..... с четверти первого до четверти четвёртого. минут. Electrical power will be interrupted from 12:15 to 3:15.

If the days of the week are used, then the "to" portion of the construction is filled by "по" followed by the accusative case. The preposition "по" means "to" in the sense of "up to and including" or "through".

Я работаю с понедельника по make this do pjatnitsy пятницу. I work from Monday to Friday.
С четверга по субботу у нас будут гости. We will have guests from Thursday through Saturday.

Likewise dates are used like this.

Я работаю с первого по третье, и потом поеду в отпуск. I work from the first through the third, and then I go on vacation.
С двадцатого по тридцать первое мавзолей закрыт на ремонт. The mausoleum is closed for repairs from the twentieth through the thirty-first.