Common negative pronouns and adverbs

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Russian has a series of negative pronouns and adverbs. The negative adverbs are: нигде́ nowhere, никуда́ to nowhere, никогда́ never, ника́к no way, and ниотку́да from nowhere. The negative pronouns and adjectives are:

no one
Nominativeникто́(ничто́) ничего́
Prepositionalни о ко́мни о чём
no kind of, none
no kind of, none
Preни о чьёмни о чьёмни о чье́йни о чьи́х

When any of these negative pronouns or adverbs occurr in a sentence, the negative particle не must also immediately precede the verb. Russian allows multiple negatives in a sentence. Multiple negatives just increase the negativity of the sentence. Two negatives do not make a positive.

English has two types of negative words: simple negatives like no one, nobody, never, nothing, etc.; and negative valence words like anyone, anybody, anything, ever. Very often the same Russian sentence can be translated either by simple English negatives or by negative valence words:

Simple negative Negative valence
Я никого не видел. I saw no one. I didn't see anyone.
Она никуда не ходила. She went nowhere. She didn't go anywhere
Мы никогда не были в Париже. We have never been in Paris. We haven't ever been in Paris.

Sample sentences

— Кто здесь работает?
— Никто здесь не работает.
“Who works here?”
“No one works here.”
— Кого ты видишь?
— Я никого не вижу.
“Who do you see?”
“I don't see anyone.”
— У кого есть деньги?
— Ни у кого нет денег.
“Who has money?”
“No one has money.”
— Кто там был?
— Никого там не было.
“Who was there?”
“No one was there.”
— С кем ты ходила в кино?
— Я ни с кем не ходила.
“Who did you go to the movies with?”
“I didn't go with anyone.”
— Кому он звонил?
— Он никому не звонил.
“Who did you call?”
“I didn't call anyone.”
— О ком вы говорили?
— Мы ни о ком не говорили.
“Who were you talking about?”
“I wasn't talking about anyone.”
— Где ты жил в Москве?
— Я нигде не жил.
“Where did you live in Moscow?”
“I didn't live anywhere.”
— Что тебе мешало заниматься?
— Ничто мне не мешало.
“What kept you from studying?”
“Nothing kept me from studying.”
— Что ты видишь?
— Ничего не вижу.
“What do you see?”
“I don't see anything.”
— Против чего ты голосовал?
— Ни против чего я не голосовал.
“What did you vote against?”
“I didn't vote against anything.”
— Что там было?
— Ничего там не было.
“What was there?”
“Nothing was there.”
— Чем ты занимаешься?
— Я ничем не занимаюсь.
“What are you studying?”
“I'm not studying anything.”
— Чему ты так радуешься?
— Я ничему не радуюсь.
“What are you so happy about?”
“I'm not happy about anything.”
— О чём вы говорили?
— Мы ни о чём не говорили.
“What were you talking about?”
“We weren't talking about anything.”
— Куда ты вчера ходил?
— Я никуда не ходил.
“Where did you go?”
“I didn't go anywhere.”

Rev. 5:56 PM 2/10/2011