Present active participle

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To form the present active participle, begin with the они form of a present tense verb. You then remove the last letter and replace it with -щ- followed by a standard adjectival ending (bearing in mind the spelling rule, of course).

infinitive они form stem present active participle meaning
чита́ть чита́ют чита- чита́ющий who/which/that is reading
who/which/that reads
смотре́ть смо́трят смотр- смо́трящий who/which/that is looking/watching
who/which/that looks/watches
идти́ иду́т ид- иду́щий who/which/that is going
who/which/that goes
спеши́ть спеша́т спеш- спеша́щий who/which/that is hurrying
who/which/that hurries

To form the present active participle of a reflexive verb, remove the last three letters of the они form, add -щ-, the adjective ending, and then the reflexive ending. For particples you only use the reflexive ending -ся, never the ending -сь:

infinitive они form stem present active participle meaning
улыба́ться улыба́ются улыбаю- улыба́ющийся who/which/that is smiling
who/which/that smiles
серди́ться се́рдятся сердя- сердя́щийся who/which/that is getting angry
who/which/that is angry

Rev. 7:29 PM 3/23/2010