Design Reading

| Prof Thomas Detrie | | Rev 05 Apr 2003 |
Alphabet and Writing History Communication Drawing Music Psychology
Architecture Computer Science Dynamic Symmetry Myth/Mythology Science and Technology
Arts Education Culture/Social Values Higher Education Perception Technology and Civilization
Arts Understanding Design Language/Literature Philosophy Typography
Color Design Education Management Printing History Visual Communication

Alphabet and Writing History (P, PA, Z)

David Diringer and Reinhold Regensburger. The Alphabet: A Key to the History of Mankind. Third Edition in two volumes. Hutchinson. London GB. P211 .D53 1968.

David Diringer. The Book Before Printing: Ancient, Medieval, and Oriental. Dover Publications. New York NY. Z6 .D57 1982.

David Diringer and H. Freeman. A History of the Alphabet. Gresham Books. Staples Press. London GB. vP211 .S67 1983.

Hans Jensen. Die schrift in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart.
Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften. Berlin D. P211 .J4 1969.

Barry B. Powell. Homer and the Origin of the Greek Alphabet.
New York NY. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge GB. PA4177.A48 P69 1991.

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Architecture (NA)

Owen Cappleman and Michael Jack Jordan. Foundations in Architecture: An Anthology of Beginning Design Projects.Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York City NY. NA2750.C37 1993.

Le Corbusier (Charles Edouard Jeanneret-Gris, 1887-1965). Towards a New Architecture.Architectural Press. London GB. NA2520.J412x 1960.

Indra Kagis McEwen. Socrates' Ancestor: An Essay on Architectural Beginnings. MIT Press. Cambridge MA. NA270.M38 1993.

Rethinking Architecture: A Reader in Cultural Rheory.Edited by Neil Leach. Routledge. New York City NY. NA2500.L47 1997.

Witold Rybczynski. Looking Around: A Journey through Architecture. Viking. New York City NY. NA2550.R97 1992.

Vincent Scully. Architecture: The Natural and the Manmade. St Martin's Press. New York City NY. NA2520.S37 1991.

Alexander Tzonis and Liane Lefaivre. Classical Architecture: The Poetics of Order. MIT Press. Cambridge MA. NA260.T96 1986.

Rudolf Wittkower. Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism.Academy Editions. London GB. NA1115.W56 1998.

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Arts Education (LA, LB, N)

Stephen Addiss and Mary Erickson. Art History and Education.
University of Illinois Press. Urbana IL. N380 .A33 1993.

Rudolf Arnheim. Thoughts on Art Education.
Getty Education Institute for the Arts . Los Angeles CA. N85 .A64 1990.

Association for the Advancement of Arts Education at

AZ Academic Standards for Language Arts at

AZ Academic Standards for Performing and Visual Arts at

Jacques Barzun. Begin Here: The Forgotten Conditions of Teaching and Learning.
University of Chicago Press. Chicago IL. LB1775 .B36 1991.

Harry S. Broudy. The Role of Imagery in Learning.
Getty Education Institute for the Arts . Los Angeles CA. LB1067 .B75 1987.

F. Graeme Chalmers. Celebrating Pluralism: Art, Education, and Cultural Diversity.
Getty Education Institute for the Arts . Los Angeles CA. N362 .C43 1996.

Harold B. Dunkel. Whitehead on Education. Ohio State University Press. Columbus OH. LB875.W48 D8 1965.

Howard Gardner. Art Education and Human Development.
Getty Education Institute for the Arts . Los Angeles CA. N350 .G37 1990.

Howard Gardner. To Open Minds: Chinese Clues to the Dilemma of American Education. Basic Books. New York NY. LA217 .G37 1989. Pages 287-307.

Getty Education Institute for the Arts at

Robert Henri. The Art Spirit.
Harper and Row. New York NY. N7445.2 .H46 1984.

Harvard Project Zero at

David N. Pirkins. The Intelligent Eye: Learning to Think by Looking at Art. Getty Center for Education in the Arts. Santa Monica CA. N7430.5 .P52 1994.

Herbert Edward Read. Education through Art.
Pantheon Books. New York NY. LB775 .R372 1958.

Alfred North Whitehead. The Aims of Education and Other Essays. Free Press. New York NY. LB875 .W48 1967.

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Arts Understanding (BH, ML, MT, N, ND)
(Language Arts, Performing Arts, Visual Arts)

Leonard Bernstein. The Unanswered Question: Six Talks at Harvard. Harvard University Press. Cambridge MA. MT6 .B45 U6 1976.

Anthony Blunt. Artistic Theory in Italy, 1450-1600.The Clarendon Press. Oxford GB. N6915.B55 1956.

John Dewey. Art as Experience.
Capricorn Books, G.P. Putman's Sons. New York NY. N66 .D4 1958.

Michel Foucault. This Is Not a Pipe.
University of California Press. Berkeley CA. ND673 .M35 F6813.

Suzi Gablik. Has Modernism Failed?
Thames and Hudson. London GB. N6490 .G32x 1984.

Nelson Goodman. Languages of Art: An Approach to a Theory of Symbols.
Hackett. Indianapolis IN. 1976. BH301 .S8 G6 1976.

Donald Jay Grout and Claude V. Palisca. A History of Western Music.
Norton. New York NY. 1996. ML160 .G87 1988.

The New Harvard Dictionary of Music. Edited by Don Michael Randel.
Harvard University Press. Cambridge MA. 1986. ML100 .N485 1986.

Wassily Kandinsky. Concerning the Spiritual in Art. Dover Publications. New York NY. N68 .K33 1977.

Kandinsky, Complete Writings on Art. Two volumes. Edited by Kenneth C. Lindsay and Peter Vergo. G.K. Hall. Boston MA. N7454 .K3 1982.

Erwin Panofsky. Meaning in the Visual Arts: Papers in and on Art History.
Overlook Press. Woodstock NY. 1974. N7445.2 .P35 1974.

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Color (ND, QC)

Josef Albers. Interaction of Color [interactive multimedia]. Interactive CD-ROM edition, Version 1 for Macintosh. Yale University Press. New Haven CT. ND 1489 .A42 1994 CDROM.

John Gage. Colour and Culture: Practice and Meaning from Antiquity to Abstraction. Thames and Hudson. London GB. ND1488 .G34x 1993.

Frans Gerritsen. Theory and Practice of Color: A Color Theory Based on Laws of Perception. Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York NY. QC495 .G3213 1975.

Karl Gerstner. The Forms of Color: the Interaction of Visual Elements. MIT Press. Cambridge MA. ND1489 .G4713 1986.

Luigina De Grandis. Theory and Use of Color. Abrams. New York NY. QC 495. D3613 1986.

Johannes Itten. The Art of Color: The Subjective Experience and Objective Rationale of Color. Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York NY. ND1280 .I813 1973.

Johannes Itten. The Elements of Color: A Treatise on the Color System of Johannes Itten. Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York NY. ND1493 .I8 I813 1970.

I. Newton. Opticks: A Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections, & Colours of Light. Fourth Edition reprint. Dover Publications. QC353 .N57 1979.

Ogden N. Rood. Modern Chromatics: Students' Text-book of Color, with Applications to Art and Industry. Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York NY. ND1488 .R66 1973.

Moritz Zwimpfer. Color, Light, Sight, Sense: An Elementary Theory of Color in Pictures. Schiffer. West Chester PA. ND1488 .Z913x 1988.

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Communication (PA)

Bibliography for Rhetoric and Professional Communication at

Jorge Frascara. User-centred Graphic Design: Mass Communications and Social Change. Taylor & Francis. Bristol PA. P93.5 .F7x 1997.

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Computer Science (QA, QXA)
(HTML, Hypertext, Hypermedia, Interface, SGML)

Apple Computer. Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines.
Addison-Wesley. Reading MA. 1992.

Association for Computing Machinery at

Bringing Design to Software. Edited by Terry Winograd.
Addison-Wesley. Reading MA. QA76.76 .D47 B745 1996.

S.K.Card, T.P.Moran, and A.Newell. The Psychology of Human-computer Interaction. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Hillsdale NJ. QA76.9 .I58 C37 1983.

J.S.Dumas and J.C.Redish. A Practical Guide to Usability Testing.
Ablex Publishing. Norwood NJ. QA76.9.H85 D86 1993.

IEEE Computer Society at

Donald E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming. Third edition. Five volumes. Addison-Wesley. Reading MA. QA76.6 .K64 1997.

Microsoft Corporation. The Windows Interface: An Application Design Guide.
Microsoft Press. Redmond WA. QA76.76.W56 W55 1992.

Laura Lemay. Web Publishing with HTML.3.2. Third Edition. Teach Yourself series. Indianapolis IN. 1997. ISBN 1-57521-192-0.

Bob Levitus and Jeff Evans. WebMaster Macintosh: How to Build Your Own World Wide Web Server without Really Trying. Second edition. Academic Press. Boston MA. 1997. ISBN 0-12-445602-2.

Jakob Nielsen. Usability Engineering.
Academic Press. Boston MA. QA76.9.U83 N54 1993.

Nielsen, Jakob. Designing Excellent Websites: Secrets of an Information Architect. New Riders Publishing. Indianapolis IN. ISBN 1-56205-810-X. Scheduled publication date: February 1998.

Bryan Pfaffenberger. Web Publishing with XML in Six Easy Steps. Academic Press. QXA76.76.H94P52 1998.

Jeffrey Rubin. Handbook of Usability Testing.
Wiley. New York NY. QA76.9.U83 R82 1994.

Tony Rubin. User Interface Design for Computer Systems.
Halsted Press. Horwood NY. QA76.9 .U83 R83 1988.

Ben Shneiderman. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction. Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. QA76.9 .H85S54 1998.

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Culture and Social Values (HM)

Robert Bly. The Sibling Society. Addison-Wesley. Reading MA. HM101 .B6165 1996.

Edward T. Hall. The Silent Language. Anchor Press/Doubleday. Garden City NY. HM258 .H3x 1973.

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Design (NK, TS, TX)

Materials and Design at Compiled by Ed Dorsa.

"Issues in Industrial Design: Contemporary Thought in a Changing Profession" at Facilitated by Ed Dorsa.

Man Transforms: An International Exhibition on Aspects of Design. Cooper-Hewitt Museum. New York City NY. NK512.N53 C775x 1976.

Donald A.Norman. The Design of Everyday Things.
Doubleday. New York NY. TS171.4 .N67 1990.

Victor J.Papanek. Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change.
Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York NY. TS171.4 .P37 1984.

Victor J.Papanek. Design for Human Scale.
Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York NY. NK1510 .P27 1983.

Victor J.Papanek and James Hennessey. How Things Don't Work.
Pantheon Books. New York NY. TX335 .P34 1977.

David Pye. The Nature of Design. Reinhold. New York NY. NK1510 .P9 1972.

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Design Education (LB, N, NK, TR)

Peter von Arx. Film and Design.
Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York NY. TR899 .A7913 1983.

Walter Dick and Lou Carey. The Systematic Design of Instruction.
Scott, Foresman/Little, Brown Higher Education. Glenview IL. LB1028.35 .D53 1990.

Dondis, Donis A. A Primer of Visual Literacy.
MIT Press. Cambridge MA. N7433 .D66 1973.

Education of Vision. Edited by Gyorgy Kepes. G. Braziller. New York NY.
N7435 .K4 1965

Calvin Harlan. Vision and Invention: A Course in Art Fundamentals.
Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs NJ. N87 .H28 1970.

Kandinsky, W. Point and Line to Plane: Contribution to the Analysis of the Pictorial Elements. Dover Publications. New York NY. N70 .K313 1979.

Gyorgy Kepes. Language of Vision. Paul Theobald. Chicago IL. N70 .K45 1967.

László Moholy-Nagy. Vision in Motion. P. Theobald. Chicago IL. N7430 .M62 1969.

Manfred Maier. Basic Principles of Design. Four volumes.
Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York NY. NK1170 .M3413 1977.

Mager, Robert Frank. Preparing Instructional Objectives.
Pitman Management and Training. Belmont CA. LB1028.5 .M2 1984.

Robert Gillam Scott. Design Fundamentals. McGraw-Hill. New York City NY. NC703 .S35 1951.

Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Edited by Benjamin Samuel Bloom and others.
Two volumes. University of Toronto Press. Longmans, Green. New York NY.
LB17 .T3 1956.

Ulm design: The Morality of Objects. Edited by Herbert Lindinger.
Translated by David Britt. MIT Press. Cambridge MA. NK430.G4 H57813 1991.

C. Wallschlaeger and C. Busic-Snyder. Basic Visual Concepts and Principles for Artists, Architects, and Designers. Wm. C. Brown. 1992. N7430.5 .W35 1992.

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Drawing (LD, NA, NC, T)

Bernard Chaet. The Art of Drawing. Third edition. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers. Fort Worth TX. NC730 .C45 1983.

Graham Collier. Form, Space, and Vision: Understanding Art: A Discourse on Drawing. Foreword by Sir Herbert Read. Third edition. Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs NJ. NC730 .C6 1972.

Nathan Goldstein. The Art of Responsive Drawing. Fourth Edition. Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs NJ. NC740 .G6 1992.

Daniel M. Mendelowitz. Drawing. Holt, Rinehart & Winston. New York NY.
NC50 .M4 1980.

Daniel M. Mendelowitz and Duane Wakeham. A Guide to Drawing. Fifth edition. Harcourt Brace. Orlando FL. NC730 .M396 1993.

Kimon Nicolaides. The Natural Way to Draw: A Working Plan for Art Study. Houghton Mifflin. Boston MA. NC650 .N5 1941.

Peter Olpe. Drawing as Design Process. Niggli. Liechtenstein CH. 1997. ISBN 3-7212-0319-4.

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Dynamic Symmetry (N, NA, NC, ND, NK, QA)

Charles Bouleau. The Painter's Secret Geometry: A Study of Composition in Art.
Thames and Hudson. London GB. ND1263 .B613 1963

Matila C. Ghyka. The Geometry of Art and Life.
Sheed and Ward. New York NY. N76 .G52 1946.

Jay Hambidge. The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry.
Dover Publications. New York NY. NC703 .H25 1967.

Jay Hambidge. Practical Applications of Dynamic Symmetry.
Yale University Press. New Haven CT. NK1505 .H33 1932.

Jay Hambidge. The Parthenon and Other Greek Temples: Their Dynamic Symmetry.
Yale University Press. New Haven CT. NA275 .H3 1924.

Jay Hambidge. Dynamic Symmetry: The Greek Vase.
Yale University Press. New Haven CT. NK4645 .H25 1920.

Christine Herter. Dynamic Symmetry: A Primer.
W. W. Norton. New York NY. NC660 .H4 1966.

H.E.Huntley. The Divine Proportion: A Study in Mathematical Beauty.
Dover Publications. New York NY. QA466 .H85 1970.

Arthur L. Loeb. Space Structures: Their Harmony and Counterpoint. Birkhäuser. Boston MA. QA491 .L63 1991.

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Higher Education (LB)

The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) at

The Chronicle of Higher Education at

New Directions for Higher Education. Edited by Martin Kramer. Jossey-Bass. San Francisco CA. LB 2300 .N45x.

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Language and Literature (P, PN, PR, Z)

Vincent Michael Colapietro. Glossary of Semiotics. Paragon House. New York City NY. P99.C569 1993.

Ernst Cassirer. Language and Myth.
Dover Publications. New York NY. P105 .C32 1953.

John Deely. Basics of Semiotics. Indiana University Press. Bloomington IN. P99.D398 1990.

Terry Eagleton. Marxism and Literary Criticism.
University of California Press. Berkeley CA. PN98 .C6 E23 1976.

Encyclopedia of Contemporary Literary Theory: Approaches, Scholars, Terms. Compiled by I. Makaryk. University of Toronto Press. Toronto and Buffalo NY.
Z124 .S8 1959.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics. Edited by Thomas A. Sebeok. Three volumes. Mouton de Gruyter. New York City NY. P99.E65 1994.

Karl Gerstner. Compendium for Literates: A System of Writing. MIT Press. Cambridge MA. P211 .G413 1974.

James Joyce. Finnegans Wake. Third edition. Faber & Faber. London GB. PR6019 .O9 F5 1961.

George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. Metaphors We Live By.
University of Chicago Press. Chicago IL. P106 .L235.

Patrick A. McCarthy. The Riddles of Finnegans Wake. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. Rutherford NJ. PR6019 .O9 F59356 1980.

Winfried Nöth. Handbook of Semiotics. Indiana University Press. Bloomington IN. P99.N6513 1990.

Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon. Understanding Finnegans Wake: A Guide to the Narrative of James Joyce's Masterpiece. Garland Publishing. New York NY. PR6019. 09F59366 1982.

R. Selden and P. Widdowson. A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory.
Third Edition. The University Press of Kentucky. Lexington KY. PN94 .S45 1993.

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Management (HD, TS)

William Edwards Deming. The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education. Second Edition. MIT Press. Cambridge MA. HD62.15 .D46x 1994.

William Edwards Deming. Out of the Crisis.
MIT Press. Cambridge MA. HD70 .U5 D45 1986.

Lloyd Dobyns and Clare Crawford Mason. Thinking about Quality.
Times Books (Random House). New York NY. TS156.D615 1994.

Helga Drummond. The Quality Movement.
Nichols Publishing. East Brunswick NJ. HD 62.15 .D78 1992.

Harvard Business School Publishing at

Walter Andrew Shewhart. Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of Quality Control.
Dover. New York NY. TS156 .S468 1986.

Walter Andrew Shewhart. Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product.
Van Nostrand. Princeton NJ. TS156 .Q3 .S47 1931.

Sloan School of Management at

The Wharton School at

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Music (ML)

Donald Jay Grout, Claude V. Palisca. A History of Western Music. Fifth Edition. W.W. Norton. New York City NY. ML160.G872 1996.

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Myth and Mythology (F)

Claude Levi-Strauss. The Raw and the Cooked.
Harper Colophon Books. New York NY. F2519.3.R3 .L4813 1975.

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Perception (N)

Carolyn M. Bloomer. Principles of Visual Perception. Second Edition. Design Press. New York City NY. N7430.5.B57 1990.

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Philosophy (B, BC, BD, BF, BQ, GV, N, ND, P)
(Aesthetics, Language, Logic, Epistomology, Ethics)

Rudolf Arnheim. Entropy and Art: An Essay on Disorder and Order.
University of California Press. Berkeley CA. B105 .O7 A7 1971.

Ernst Cassirer. Language and Myth.
Dover Publications. New York NY. P105 .C32 1953.

John Dewey. Art as Experience.
Capricorn Books, G.P. Putman's Sons. New York NY. N66 .D4 1958.

Michel Foucault. This Is Not a Pipe.
University of California Press. Berkeley CA. ND673 .M35 F6813.

Timothy Gallwey. Inner Tennis.
Random House. New York NY. GV995 .G28 1976.

Nelson Goodman. Ways of Worldmaking.
Hackett. Indianapolis IN. BH301 .S8 G6x 1978.

Eugen Herrigel. Zen and the Art of Archery.
Vintage Books. New York NY. BQ9265.8 .H4x 1971.

Susanne Langer. An Introduction to Symbolic Logic.
Dover Publications. New York NY. BC135 .L35 1967.

Susanne Langer. Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling.
Johns Hopkins Press. Baltimore MD. BF161 .L28 v.1-3 1982.

Susanne Langer. Philosophy in a New Key.
Harvard University Press. Cambridge MA. BF458 .L3 1957.

Susanne Langer. Problems of Art.
Schribner. New York NY. N70 L28 c.3 1957.

Robert Pirsig. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
Morrow. New York NY. CT275 .P648 A33 1974.

Worldmaking's Ways. Edited by L.Aagaared-Mogensen, R.Pinxten, F.Vandamme.
Communication & Cognition. Ghent B. BD 331 .W6x 1987.

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Printing History (Z)

A Bibliography of Printing. Compiled by E.C. Bigmore and C.W.H. Wyman.
Oak Knoll Books. 1978. Z117 .B59 1945.

W.P.Jaspert, W.T.Berry, and A.F.Johnson. The Encyclopaedia of Type Faces. Fourth Edition. Deutsch. London GB. Z250 .A2 J6 1966.

A.F.Johnson. Type Designs: Their History and Development. Third Revised Edition.
Deutsch. London GB. Z250 .A2 J6 1966.

A.F.Johnson. The First Century of Printing at Basle.
Ernst Benn Ltd. London GB. SPEC BA-504 1926.

Martin Lowry. The World of Aldus Manutius: Business and Scholarship in Renaissance Venice. Cornell University Press. Ithaca NY. Z232 .M3 L6 1979.

Joseph Moxon. Mechanick Exercises on the Whole Art of Printing, 1683-84.
Oxford University Press. London GB. Z244 .A2 M93 1958.

Oak Knoll Books at

Printing and the Mind of Man. Second Edition. K.Pressler. Munchen D. Z121 .P73 1983.

S.H.Steinberg. Five Hundred Years of Printing.
New Edition. Oak Knoll Books. New Castle DE. Z124 .S8 1959.

D.B.Updike. Printing Types, Their History, Forms, and Use. Third Edition.
Belknap Press. Cambridge MA. Z250 .A2 U6 1962 v 1-2.

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Psychology (BF, Q, QP)
(Audition, Cognition, Intelligence, Vision)

Jeremy Campbell. Grammatical Man.
Simon and Schuster Touchstone Books. New York NY. Q360 .C33 1982.

Contrast Sensitivity. Edited by Robert M. Shapley and Dominic Man-Kit Lam.
MIT Press. Cambridge MA. QP479 .R469 1988 v.5.

Jerry Fodor. Modularity of Mind.
MIT Press. Cambridge MA. BF311 .F5615 1983.

Howard Gardner. Art, Mind, and Brain.
Harper Collins Publishers. New York NY. BF4 11.G37 1982.

Howard Gardner. Frames of Mind.
Harper Collins Publishers. New York NY. BF431 .G244 1993.

E.H. Gombrich. Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation. Princeton University Press. Princeton NJ. 1972. N70 .G615 1972.

William J. J. Gordon. Synectics: The Development of Creative Capacity. Collier-Macmillian. London GB. BF408 .G64 1968.

R.L.Gregory. Eye and Brain. Fifth edition.
Princeton University Press. Princeton NJ. BF241 .G7 1997.

R.L. Gregory. The Intelligent Eye.
McGraw-Hill. New York NY. BF241 .G73 1970.

The Oxford Companion to the Mind. Edited by Richard L. Gregory with the assistance of O.L. Zangwill. Oxford University Press. Oxford GB. BF31 .O94x 1987.

Denise Shekerjian. Uncommon Genius.
Penguin Books. New York NY. BF408.S448 1991.

Speaking Minds: Interviews with Twenty Eminent Cognitive Scientists. University Press. Princeton NJ. BF311 .S657 1995.

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Science and Technology (HD, T, Q)

Jeremy Campbell. Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language, and Life.
Touchstone Books Simon and Schuster. New York NY. Q360 .C33 1982.

R.X.Cringely. Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and Still Can't Get a Date.
Addison-Wesley. Reading MA. HD9696.C63 U51586 1992.

T.K.Derry and T.I.Williams. A Short History of Technology from the Earliest Times to AD 1900. Oxford University Press. New York NY. T15 .D4 1961.

John Dewey. Theory of Valuation.
University of Chicago Press. Chicago IL. Q175 .I58 v.2:4 1969.

Herbert Feigl and Charles Morris. Bibliography and Home: Foundations of the Unity of Science. University of Chicago Press. Chicago IL. Q175. I58 v.2:10 1969.

Paul Grafstein and Otto B. Schwarz. Pictorial Handbook of Technical Devices. Chemical Publishing Company. New York City New York. TJ240 .G7 1978.

International Encyclopedia of Unified Science. Edited by O. Neurath, R. Carnap, and C. Morris. University of Chicago Press. Chicago IL. Q175 .I58 1955.

Thomas S. Kuhn. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
University of Chicago Press. Chicago IL. Q175 .I58 v.2:2 1970.

Fred Moody. I Sing the Body Electronic: A year with Microsoft on the Multimedia Frontier. Viking. New York NY. HD9696 .C64 M5357 1995.

A.N.Whitehead. Science and the Modern World.
The Free Press. New York NY. Q175 .W65 1967.

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Technology and Civilization (CB)

Lewis Mumford. The Lewis Mumford Reader. Edited by Donald L. Miller. Pantheon Books. New York City NY. CB151 .M83 1986.

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Typography (Z)

Robert Bringhurst. The Elements of Typographic Style. Hartley And Maerks. Vancouver CND. Z246.B74 1992.

Rob Carter, Ben Day, Philip Meggs. Typographic Design: Form and Communication.
Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York NY. Z253 .C32 1985.

Ruari McLean. The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography. Thames and Hudson. New York NY. Z244.3 .M45 1980.

Emil Ruder. Typographie: A Manual of Design.
Hastings House Publishers. New York NY. Z244 .R8613 1981.

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Visual Communication (N, NC, TK, P, QA, Z)
(Graphic Design, Letterform)

Agfa Guide to Digital Color Prepress . Interacitve Edition.
Agfa-Gevaert. 1996.
Agfa Corporation Web Site at

David Blatner and Bruce Fraser. Real World Photoshop 3.
Peachpit Press. Berkeley CA. 1996. ISBN 1-56609-169-1.

David Blatner and Keith Stimely. The QuarkXPress Book.
Peachpit Press. Berkeley CA. Z286.D47 B58 1991.

Adrian Frutiger. Signs and Symbols: Their Design and Meaning.
Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York NY. P99 .F78 1989.

Kenneth J. Hiebert. Graphic Design Processes: Universal to Unique.
Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York NY. NC1000 .H54 1992.

Armin Hofmann. Graphic Design Manual: Principles and Practice. Second Edition.
Reinhold. New York NY. NC730 .H54 1966.

Armin Hofmann. Armin Hofmann: His Work, Quest, and Philosophy.
Birkhauser. Basel CH and Boston MA. N7153.H626 A4 1989.

Peter Karow. Digital Formats for Typefaces.
URW Verlag. Hamburg D. 1987. ISBN 3-926515-01-5.

Peter Karow. Digital Typefaces: Description and Formats.
Springer-Verlag. New York NY. Z250.7 .K37 1994.

Peter Karow. Font Technology: Methods and Tools.
Springer-Verlag. New York NY. Z250.7 .K3813 1994.

Michael Kroeger. Graphic Design Education Fundamentals at
MK Graphic Design. Cincinnati OH.

Aaron Marcus. Graphic Design for Electronic Documents and User Interfaces.
ACM Press. New York NY. Z286 .E43 .M36 1991.

Z. A. Prust. Graphic Communications: The Printed Image. Goodheart-Willcox. Tinley Park IL. Z244 .P958 1997.

Paul Rand. Paul Rand, A Designer's Art.
Yale University Press. New Haven CT. NC997 .R278 1985.

Paul Rand. Design, Form, and Chaos.
Yale University Press. New Haven CT. NC999.4.R27 D4x 1993.

Frank J. Romano. Pocket Guide to Digital Prepress.
Delmar Publishers. Albany NY. Z249.3.R66 1995.

Edward R. Tufte. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.
Graphics Press. Cheshire CT. QA276.3 .T83 1983.

Edward R. Tufte. Envisioning Information.
Graphics Press. Cheshire CT. P93.5 .T84 1990.

Edward R. Tufte. Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative. Graphics Press. Cheshire CT. P93.5 .T846 1997.

Mike Zender, Jeff Fine, and Rick Albertson. Designer's Guide to the Internet.
Hayden Books. Indianapolis IN. TK5105.875.I57 A4x 1995.

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