Conference Registration

Registration fees for the conference are as follows:
Academics, Teachers, and the general public: $65; students $10

Your REGISTRATION FORM AND FEES are due and payable upon acceptance of your proposal for a paper, or if you plan to participate in the Symposium without a paper, you still need to fill out the registration form and pay the fee.

As we are unable to accept EUROCHECKS, European participants may pay their registration fee of USD 65.00 on the first day of the conference. North American participants should please make checks payable to: Walter Kempowski Symposium, EMU and send the check with their registration form.

Download Registration Form in PDF Format:  regis.pdf Download Registration Form in MS Word Format:  regis.doc

If you are experiencing problems with downloading the form, please contact, and indicate which format (.doc or .pdf) you attempted to download, and we will reply as soon as possible.

Welcome | Call for Papers | Conference Program | Registration |
Sponsors | Accommodation | Local Information | About the Conference