##gff-version3 #species: Drosophila yakuba #assembly-id: dyak_caf051213 #annotation-group-id: Gold #algorithm: Gold_Man = Manual annotation of the fos gene region #authors: Stephanie Gidget Hudson and Elliott S. Goldstein (gidget.hudson@asu.edu) #date: 20060501 chr3R Gold_Man gene 21662985 21652623 . + . ID=gene90000062;Name=kayak chr3R Gold_man mRNA 21662985 21652623 . + . ID=mRNA90000063;Parent=gene90000062;Name=kayak-alpha1 chr3R Gold_Man mRNA 21662985 21662155 . + . ID=mRNA90000064;Parent=gene90000062;Name=kayak-alpha2 chr3R Gold_man mRNA 21675985 21652623 . + . ID=mRNA90000065;Parent=gene90000062;Name=kayak-beta chr3R Gold_Man mRNA 21667442 21667124 . - . ID=mRNA90000066;Parent=gene90000062;Name=fos_intronic_gene chr3R Gold_Man mRNA 21664625 21652623 . + . ID=mRNA90000067;Parent=gene90000062;Name=kayak-gamma chr3R Gold_Man exon 21662985 21662155 . + . ID=exon90000068;Parent=mRNA90000063,mRNA90000064 chr3R Gold_Man exon 21675985 21676028 . + . ID=exon90000069;Parent=mRNA90000065 chr3R Gold_Man exon 21667442 21667124 . - . ID=exon90000070;Parent=mRNA90000066 chr3R Gold_Man exon 21664625 21665000 . + . ID=exon90000071;Parent=mRNA90000067 chr3R Gold_Man exon 21654982 21652623 . + . ID=exon90000071;Parent=mRNA90000063,mRNA90000065,mRNA90000067